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Hello! I want to play on a private server with my friends. We are thinking to pay a private host, like Bisecthosting. In that page, the server are configurate, so we don't need to touch anything. The question is ¿How configurate the coin and laws before starts the server? I know if you write some codes in the chat, you can access to whatever you want (like creative on minecraft) but doing like that, we have less time for destroy the meteorite. Another think is we want to modifie the exp rate. Where you do that? I really appreciate the help!

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13 days ago - /u/SLG-Dennis - Direct link

Experience settings can be adjusted in Difficulty.eco config file, for example SkillCostMultiplier. How to access that depends on your server host, so their FAQ should have info on that.

Setting up coins and laws before the server requires spawning the respective objects and configuring them as admin as you would do as player, there is no shortcut around that.

12 days ago - /u/SLG-Dennis - Direct link

Originally posted by Sr_Hikari

Ok, so it's manual. Thanks

Yes, at least once - afterwards you can make use of mods like Civics Import / Export and WorldEdit to copy things into new servers.

12 days ago - /u/SLG-Dennis - Direct link

Originally posted by Sr_Hikari

Where it's the best pleace for get mods?

Here: https://mod.io/g/eco/

Though lots of mods are only available through the Githubs of their respective owners, like the CivicsImportExport one.

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