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Hi everyone o/

Recently I stared playing another round of eco and started a new world on low collaboration (1-3 players) - now my friends wanted to join in but only two of them can join at the time and I can not get the 4th player in. I asume this is because of the collaberation setting since the 4th person can join if someone else disconnects..

Now the question is how to increase it to more players? I did some digging arround in the files but no coding programm I have installed is able to work with eco safefiles? Can I adjust the server settings somewhere or is there a programm I can manipulate the .eco file with?

Thank you in advance!

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about 4 years ago - /u/SLG-Dennis - Direct link

Eco by default does not limit connections, as the game has no slots. The collaboration setting also has no effect on connection numbers, this seems to rather be a network issue.

about 4 years ago - /u/SLG-Dennis - Direct link

Originally posted by xBlackfieldx

That doesnt explain why all of them can join if I start a new world on higher colaberation..

Possible side effect of something else. The collaboration setting does not affect any connections, it just sets three config variables that you could also alter manually that define the difficulty.