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Originally posted by Astral: You know what I find funny in the market, the official servers seem to not allow their own skins.
Which makes you think why am I paying for something that only works on custom servers?
At least that's my experience in SLG-Giant Panda.
Just as with all other settings, the official servers aim to provide a basic variety of different options for marketplace settings so players can choose on their own what they prefer. Here's an overview:
Coast Redwood: Marketplace enabled, Trading Marketplace items enabled, Using Marketplace items without owning them enabled
Dusky Robin: Marketplace enabled, Trading Marketplace items disabled, Using Marketplace items without owning them disabled
Dusky Robin: Marketplace disabled, Trading Marketplace items disabled, Using Marketplace items without owning them disabled
Sea Otter: Marketplace enabled, Trading Marketplace items disabled, Using Marketplace items without owning them disabled
White Tiger: Marketplace enabled, Trading Marketplace items disabled, Using Marketplace items without owning them enabled
Originally posted by Py_Thony: constructions authorized on the high seas
This should not be the case. There is a config option that can be enabled to allow this, intended for servers that prefer the pre-boat experience, but that isn't enabled by default. Maybe you are playing on a server that has this option enabled?
Originally posted by Py_Thony: But as of version 10 there have been no changes regarding the role of water in the ecosystem or related to overall terraforming.
You can vote on water physics and (suggest) other features you'd like to see on https://feedback.play.eco. There is also one for elevator stops. Unfortunately neither are currently planned.
Originally posted by Cain: still no trains years later insane
Trains have always been communicated to be very unlikely to be added during Early Access. They are still up for vote and planned for some time after the release: https://eco.canny.io/admin/feedback/feature-suggestions/p/trains