almost 6 years ago - StrangeLoopGame - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

5s but to start we're going to show our new
8s biomes that we have in 8.00 yeah so
12s Keegan I'll just kind of talk us through
14s this stuff sir
15s yeah so 8.0 is going to be the start of
19s a big rollout of a whole revamp of
21s pretty much everything about you goes
23s natural world and the sort of phases of
27s that is world generation and how it
30s worlds are put together and then the
32s obvious extension of that is all the
34s content inside the world which is you
37s know structured into a collection of ion
40s so we're basically revamping you know
42s how it all fits together how it all
45s works and adding a ton of new content in
48s that process
48s so right now Walker is the grasslands
52s and one thing you'll notice right away
54s is that we noticed a much taller grass
56s one of the goals with grasslands is that
59s we want to have a part of it and get the
61s feeling of like a prairie a lot of our
64s biomes are influenced or inspired by
66s North American biomes so a tall grass
70s prairie is a really great inspiration
73s for an ecosystem so we're going for that
76s there's going to be the switchgrass
78s there will also be a big boost of
80s species of grass so we're really looking
82s at each biome individually and fleshing
84s it out with new plans and new animals
86s and trees and what you'll notice as well
90s as new block types so we're going to be
93s reshuffling and revamping a lot of the
95s block types that are in you go as well
97s and one of the big things that will tie
100s into eventually is mining so there won't
102s just be generic stone anymore will
104s actually have different types of rock
106s and different types of ore will be
108s hosted in their post rocks and located
110s based on those rocks and that'll be a
113s thing that appears you know per biome so
116s you'll have different biomes and
117s different resources to help encourage
119s exploration and this patch 8.0 is that a
123s big start of that process getting all
128s so yeah well you got to show isn't this
133s these rivers you'll notice are a lot
136s better-looking one of the things we're
137s improving in world generation is lakes
140s and rivers the rivers now actually go
142s right up to the bank they can still form
145s in a valley but then they'll also have
146s their thanks a lot better than we are
149s River Canyon or big thing we only money
153s with this update was just have a much
154s different booming plate in the
157s environment so as you're moving from
160s location to location the biomes feel
163s really different plans animal define
165s Americans we really different like
168s putting up a town on one side of the
169s world firstly the other side of the
171s world you're gonna act on very different
173s thing you know the minerals and
175s resources that are only accessible in
177s certain areas and I just has all these
180s knock-on effects the rest of the game
182s too is like right now in the current
185s release you can get most ores you know
187s they're kind of spread out but they're
189s not too hard to get in terms of location
191s or is this you'll have more localized
193s places where you can only get this big
195s cooler plant in this location we're
198s gonna give this together wood or this
199s mineral so that just makes transport
202s that much more important it like you're
204s gonna want to have a little village you
205s know over by this particular spot that
208s lets you transport this other from the
211s rest of the world so yeah everything to
215s do with you going
215s we like connected into the whole
218s esplanade oh so it's a new big expansion
222s through our ecology system but it also
223s affects the economy where you're
226s deciding where build roads where to
228s transport how to trade advantage of
231s these resources that's one of the things
234s I like most about the game is how much
235s the systems like a full lap with each
237s other you change something like this and
239s it affects something as far away as like
241s loans from the government or whatever
243s and all kinds of things like that we
247s should check out the neighbor like
248s routes we have for the decoration so
250s this is the the forest biome yeah yeah
253s yeah so there's and one thing that's
255s kind of interesting is we're actually
257s splitting up some lands into
259s sometimes so forest for instance will
262s have a cold or expand the warm forest
265s cold forest will be like chroniker
267s forest where you fight for our trees the
269s more important will be more broadly but
271s you know with with each new biome and
274s sub I'll we're updating it so that they
276s each have their own top soils so like
279s warm biome has on top soil and what
281s you're seeing here is just the
283s decoration that we're starting to add to
285s the block type where they become this is
292s the new type features we've added 28.0
296s so the idea with this is that plumbing
298s is going to be a new feature of the game
302s it's going to be this kind of community
305s project that you need to do with other
306s people in your village to set up access
309s to water and taking away wastes from
313s your crafting projects from your like
315s home items so this is a debug thing
318s we've spawned in here but these are what
319s the pipes look like and they're
321s mechanically powered so they will take
323s from a water source which right now I've
326s just spawned some water here to make it
329s easy to view and they'll be taken up
332s into the pump and then push into the
333s pump Network so you can see these pumps
335s here are supplying water to a series of
340s houses so here you can see the the pipes
343s go underground and they come up inside
346s of this workshop remember fly to get in
350s there so we're still setting up a lot of
353s this so some of this is debug but right
354s now we just have a test workbench that's
356s rigged up to take water and if you open
359s up the workbench here's our little test
362s recipe where you can see that it's it
366s needs to 300 water blocks and it's
370s slowly going up so if you click that
371s pipes component there you can see you
376s mouse over this tells you that water is
378s incoming from these different pumps and
381s if you mouse over the other one you see
383s that it's outputting waste at at this
387s particular rate so pretty much anything
389s that takes water is also gonna general
391s wastewater which becomes sewage and that
395s will pollute your environment but it can
397s all but you can deal with it in
399s different ways also so if you want to
402s fly through a little more walkers and
404s show so the same pump network actually
406s you want to fly in there ground and kind
407s of see the plumbing under there yeah so
410s all the plumbing has been rigged
411s underground so this will be a big like
414s community project where you have the
417s central water source and you need to
418s like bring pipes to all your buildings
420s collaborate with each other figure out
422s property rights for these kind of things
424s can be tricky so yeah it's something
427s that's like very collaborative feature
429s so we spawned four houses here that are
432s all taking water from the same plumbing
435s source and all outputting the same
437s sewage line so this sewage line here is
440s going off yes there's the fourth one and
443s then it goes up to this water filter so
445s this is a water filter here it's kind of
449s a late tier thing so in the beginnings
451s you basically just have to pump your
453s sewage somewhere and except it's gonna
454s pollute it but as you start getting
457s these filters you can start filtering
458s this water so if you open that up you
461s can see that this one is opposite its
463s input is sewage and its output is
467s why if you go to the status tab so the
472s way this works is as it's accepting
474s water as it accepts sewage it'll start
481s creating compost blocks at a certain
485s rate so every few seconds another
487s compost block gets generated and those
491s are stuck into this stockpile so right
493s now we don't have art for this yet
495s something Kiki's looking in it just like
498s crates but if you open up that stockpile
500s so these ones that are templated you can
503s see are the compost blocks they're being
508s generated from the wastewater so kind of
511s taking this waste product and turn it
513s into something that you'll be able to
514s use for farming and fertilizer so that's
521s another thing that you know you can kind
523s of omit the filtering step and it'll
524s just end up creating a lot of pollution
526s in your environment but you can also do
529s these extra kind of community projects
531s that will turn it into a positive okay
535s you want to talk a little bit about the
536s latest biome stuff maybe do some fly
538s rounds sure talk a bit about that we've
544s just finally gotten most of our new rock
548s types implemented in the game a lot of
551s them are still going to be in progress
553s for this first 8.0 patch flushed out to
560s start like limestone so yeah
565s all new slew of rock types we've added
568s sandstone limestone are the two ones
571s that are sort of closest to done and
572s we've also added so granite is the other
576s main default most common rock type
578s that's gonna be throughout the world but
581s we're also going to be having basalt
583s which I believe there was some limestone
590s over there to be right there
592s yeah there's a little patch of it there
593s it was also some sandstone next to it
595s right right here is probably a forward
597s between biomes
598s which I can use to talk about the fact
602s that lots of different rock types will
604s be sort of more or less prevalent based
607s on the biome time so I tried to in
609s general sort of associate different rock
611s types with their depositional
613s environments so like there's more
614s sandstone in the desert that's where the
616s sand is same for the beaches and
618s limestone which pretty much you go
622s anyways tends to form mostly from marine
625s organisms is all going to be located
627s around the coast with some exceptions
630s and yeah I usually fly around more and
633s see if you can find anything out perhaps
635s or something other than granite or maybe
641s in the opposite direction yeah and so
647s one of the other things is the rock
650s types will also be cool the more we do
654s with expanding them as Mineral Resources
657s in the game because each rocks
660s each Rock source is going to be
662s like a host for different resources let
665s me drop block rather so as you can see
667s there there is sandstone and then
669s there's also that more darkly band of
672s sandstone and that's actually the new
673s iron ore
674s so iron ore is now a good be gotten
676s pretty much exclusively for now from
678s sandstone roof in the real world
681s something like sixty percent of iron ore
683s comes from a thing called banded iron
684s formation which is all a sedimentary
688s deposit from a sort of a one-time event
691s in Earth's history that happened over a
693s few million years so a lot of the stuff
696s we're having with geology and eco is
698s inspired by real life just like the
700s biomes are inspired by a lot of North
703s Central and South American biomes that
706s exist in reality so it's gonna add a lot
709s to the richness of the world to have
710s these rock types as places where you
714s have more localized resources both
717s localized more to the biomes and also
719s more physically localized within you
722s know even just individual outcrops and
724s things like that having sort of a
726s certain certain deposits contained
728s within them yeah right now the granite
732s is going to be the house to gold and
734s copper to start as we go we can add more
739s more types of ore deposits
743s locations and create I think the funnest
746s and coolest thing will be that the more
748s things we have like this the more really
750s cool associations we can create you know
752s there's like obvious things like sand
754s and sandstone putting the same stone in
757s the desert but there's a lot more subtle
759s things that can really make the world
761s feel more interesting and rich and sort
765s of also you know hopefully inspire
769s people to learn about some of the really
771s fascinating complexity and the real-life
773s geology and things like that so yeah
776s it's been a lot of fun today to start
777s implementing this stuff I think you did
780s see some big more sheep in the distance
782s there oh yeah yeah there's one so this
785s isn't a manual and you may point out a
787s bighorn sheep and it's cool the the
790s sandstone in the game in the game right
792s now and also this bighorn sheep are
794s inspired by the the Southwest parts of
798s the United States so last year I took a
801s trip to Zion my girlfriend was working
804s as a park ranger in Zion National Park
805s and when I was there I saw a bighorn
808s sheep and it just these incredible
810s sandstone cliffs so that's kind of where
812s some of the real-life inspiration is
814s coming from
821s you