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Hey guys, hope you are enjoying the new 9.0 update! I just updated from 8 to 9, and am trying to figure out how to change the crafting time multiplier. In 8.0, I just sped up the "TimeMult" in ecosim.eco, but that did not work in 9. I then found "CraftTimeMultiplier" in the difficulty.eco.template and copied it over to the difficulty.eco, and changed it to both a number above 1, and below 1, and neither have made an effect. I tried 5 and .5 as an example. Has anyone else had any success yet with this?

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almost 4 years ago - /u/SLG-Dennis - Direct link

Originally posted by xCrankshotx

I figured out my own problem. You will need to copy the entire difficulty.eco.template, and replace the entire section of difficulty.eco.

Yes, on every Update please Check the templstes for changes, we deliver them for you to be able to see all the new options.