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Hey, guys!

I'm relatively new to Eco and am having a grand time so far. I've downloaded a handful of mods and have figured out how to fiddle with some of the .eco files.

One of the worlds I play is LAN with my wife with no meteor so that it'll be a nice, chill thing for us to do together. The issue is that the block/room requirements for crafting stations annoys and frustrates her. I've been looking around, but haven't been able to find anything to remove or reduce the requirements. Is this at all possible?

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about 4 years ago - /u/SLG-Dennis - Direct link

You could mod all the items that have requirements, but to to be honest, those are there for a reason, if you could just place anything everywhere there would be zero requirement to build houses at all, which would lead to zero of the materials being required which would lead to ... i assume you got it.

Or in short: There is no official way to do it and we neither recommend doing it unofficially.

about 4 years ago - /u/SLG-Dennis - Direct link

Originally posted by JackBinimbul

I mean . . . the meteor is there for a reason, too, and I can turn that off. As I said, this is just a laid back LAN game I play with my wife. Whether her preferred play style is "recommended" is kind of irrelevant.

If it's impractical, it's impractical. But it was worth looking into! Thanks for the info.

It is very relevant as doing this change would likely cause you to experience the game in a very different, likely not good way, as this behaviour is one of the core design systems. It's obviously your decision what you want to do, but i still felt the need to tell you, as it seems very relevant to me.

The meteor can be disabled intendedly, the game was made with disabled meteor in mind.

about 4 years ago - /u/SLG-Dennis - Direct link

Originally posted by JackBinimbul

cause you to experience the game in a very different, likely not good way

This is rather subjective, isn't it? My wife prefers the changes that were made. It's a good way to her.

I completely appreciate your point of view on this, as someone who is part of the Eco team, but there will always be people who enjoy some elements of your game and not others. Opening your game to mods and player-controlled adjustments allows for people to make those changes that they find more enjoyable. That changeability attracts a lot more players who would otherwise not have made the purchase (like my wife!).

I understand the reasoning behind this core mechanic and I know that a lot of careful consideration and work was done to utilize it effectively and I'm grateful for that work. I'm also grateful for the ability to adjust it to suit the multiple different kinds of games I have going.

Thank you for your input, all the same. I'm excited to watch the game develop as I play.

I have to give this recommendation. We had people that modded their games, didn't like it and subsequently went to Steam reviews to leave a negative review - stating stuff, that really isn't in the or caused by the game, but through modifications they made because they thought it was better like that.

We obiously don't want that, hence i'm warning you that this change makes Eco no longer being Eco. It's not what we designed and nothing we feel fits Eco. If your wife likes it like that, you can of course mod the game to your liking in any way you want, it's just that often what people feel they like will have countless side effects in as complex games as this and suddenly they don't like it anymore when they see what consequences these are. If we get the negative review for that, that makes us sad.

It's not far-fetched that there is a big possibility that you'll see a lot of items in the game simply no longer needed with this change, effectively removing them from the game, making it dull or even boring at a specific point in the game, even early on. You might not be one of these people that then go over to write a negative review because it's dull, but there are people that will.

As we do not feel it fits Eco, there won't ever be a official possibility to do this either. But that's what we got modding for!