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As the title states, want to know if anyone else is having trouble with fish traps.

Playing 9.0.1 Dropped 5 traps within roughly the same 5 minutes Each is 1 - 3 below the fresh water layer Each is nuzzling water weed Has fish swimming near them

I noticed when they were first placed they all stated they weren't on the floor or in fresh water, but after a server tick, it changed from an X to a check mark, but the light on the top left corner is still red (I think its a status light that turns green or red based on room requirements).

Traps checked after 1 hour - 0 fish Traps checked after 6 hours - 0 fish Traps checked after 12 hours - 1 trap showed actively trapping and had 1 fish, but then when the fish was removed, red lighted Traps checked after 24 hours and 48 hours - 0 fish

Is there a bait or new parameters for the fish traps? On my old server v8.x, fish traps helped the early and mid game, then the over abundance helped with hydrocarbons or something.

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almost 4 years ago - /u/SLG-Dennis - Direct link

That is a known issue. It's actually not the traps being the issue, but the fish. They do no longer like moving as much as before. We'll try to convince them moving more again in one of the next updates.