almost 2 years
ago -
Strange Loop Games
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Transcript (by Youtube)
1s | hello there everyone join espinal here |
3s | I'm going to make a small demonstration |
5s | for the tripod camera this is the first |
8s | version of this new camera |
10s | so when I get close I can use it as any |
14s | other or object we can see that there is |
15s | a fade for the transition between the |
18s | original Shader and the Shader that is |
20s | included on this camera this camera is |
22s | going to be available earlier in the |
23s | game and you can use it just like a way |
26s | you can just press click and you can |
28s | take pictures you can't control if it |
31s | has flash or not because it's like this |
33s | sort of all cameras that is a light bulb |
37s | for taking the picture so it's always |
40s | going to be available I just noticed I |
43s | never heard that I'm going to fix the |
44s | the there is a small part of the photo |
48s | there I need to fix that sorry so we |
51s | kind of select the aspect ratio but we |
53s | have way less options I mean we have |
55s | just the these three options is and we |
58s | can't control the devil fill the idea is |
61s | that this camera feels older than the |
63s | handheld camera it's the Shader is going |
66s | to be updated to be a little bit noisy |
68s | but this is the first version so we |
71s | still have some soft to polish |
74s | the principle is the same we can still |
76s | see the amount of film that we have but |
78s | we won't run out of durability because |
79s | while our objects don't have durability |
82s | and there is a different feature here we |
84s | can see that we have a timer that is |
86s | disabled once I press it I can select |
88s | the amount of time that I want for the |
90s | tripod to wait to take the picture so |
92s | next time that I press click instead of |
96s | taking the picture right away I have |
98s | time to go and pose in front of the |
100s | camera |
101s | and it's going to take a picture of me |
103s | in front of the of the camera right now |
106s | I'm still on the |
108s | using the camera that's why I still have |
110s | these margins I can see the pictures I I |
113s | don't know if it's easy to notice but |
115s | the cursor is visible once before it's |
117s | taken that's because you can just |
119s | discard the photo or store it or you can |
122s | press stop again and keep moving the |
124s | character so if I keep doing the |
127s | character and I go behind the camera I'm |
128s | going to be able to interact again I can |
131s | change these parameters and take photos |
133s | right away or whatever I want I can |
135s | still have a tool so when I go for the |
140s | photo |
141s | we can come here and try to like |
144s | interact while the photo is taken I can |
148s | um I'm going to discard this but I'm |
150s | going to check on the |
152s | folder how that photo looks |
155s | should be here and well this is not a |
157s | bad photo so I can see here the photos |
159s | that I take this is the issue I |
161s | mentioned earlier but yeah I can see we |
163s | can see here that the character is using |
166s | the the tool as it was supposed to |
170s | um we can also eat food or even use the |
174s | hardcore camera so it looks like I'm |
175s | taking a a photo of the camera something |
178s | like this but it's basically like you |
182s | can use any tool to have different |
184s | animations while seeing the while taking |
187s | the picture sorry so for example this is |
190s | how this one looks so this is about it |
193s | we still have some stuff to improve but |
196s | I think it's a good initial version as |
199s | always something feedback thank you |
200s | everyone bye |