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Transcript (by Youtube)

1s or letters hello everyone I am Giovanni
5s spinal front managing Colombia
7s for today's stream Our Guest is his
11s story hello there Toby
14s ajir yeah I'm the squad leader of the
17s art team and
19s I'm from Australia
24s uh okay thanks Terry so in our last
28s stream we we were talking about boats as
32s you may imagine there is a lot of art
34s involved on the boat system Toby is
37s going to tell us more about it but the
39s focus will be on the blocks that are
42s used to build the docs
44s so before we start with Toby uh it's
47s like I would like to do a small recap so
51s [Music]
52s um
52s we are going to have streams every week
55s where we talk about some features as I
58s have mentioned before it is important
59s for us that you understand that there
62s may be some modification for those
64s features because they are mostly working
66s problems
67s I would also like to to thank everybody
71s who took time to
73s to fill out the Google forms that I sent
75s out the economy viewer we got a lot of
78s nice answers there and a lot of ideas on
81s the top of my mind some ideas that I
84s read on the document
85s it was that it'd be nice to display the
89s storage of the stores I completely agree
91s with that I think it's a nice idea also
95s I feel remembering the filter preview
98s setup I think it's also a nice idea we
101s are going to discuss that on the company
103s and we'll check one of these ideas are
107s are possible to to implement
111s considering that I in mind we are also
114s going to have another QR code for today
118s so you can see a QR code in our in our
121s screen and also Dennis is going to share
124s the link with you in case anyone want to
127s give us opinions but now the opinions
130s would be for the block system so that
134s would be all the recap so Toby the
137s tell us what do you got for us
140s yeah um you can see my screen yeah yeah
143s cool great
145s yeah so this is the um the concept art
147s that Rob's done for the docs um
150s so this is kind of where it starts it
152s goes goes around kind of sketching what
154s sort of blocks we might need and things
156s about how they're going to be used in
157s different ways
159s um I really like with um like any
162s concepts that both Rob and malenko do
165s they put a lot of detail into the like
167s stuff around what they're actually
169s concepting as well I think it kind of
170s helps flesh it out and gets them
172s imagining what sort of
175s stuff they might be but including stuff
177s that's not even an acre yet but maybe
179s maybe one day seagulls
183s I like these guys little kites
185s um
186s even a submarine
189s one day one day maybe
192s um
193s and Rob's also got this folder here that
194s says maybe but it's turned off by
196s default so I guess if I turn it on
199s oh yep no we don't want to see that yep
202s we're not adding planes to eco
209s um
210s cool so that's yeah that's the concept I
212s might switch over and show you how these
214s blocks we've got them kind of in our
215s work in progress state so
218s I'll um switch across here
222s and the way you kind of start building
223s with these blocks like they're they're
225s not very organized yet and they don't
226s have icons so I might struggle finding
229s the right block but it's that one
232s so you kind of got these support columns
235s that you can put down I'm just going to
237s go there
240s so you place these down out in the water
242s I'll just show you on land for now just
245s so it's easier to see
248s and something which we're trying to
249s think about with this set is
251s we want to make these rotatable so
254s there's a big problem with Building
256s Bridges and things like that you could
257s never really get the the top of the
259s block to look right like you know it
261s only works East-West and not north south
264s so making these rotatables something we
267s definitely want to do we want to give a
268s lot more control of
269s the blocks to the players
273s so
278s that's how this one sort of works it it
279s still has rules so it can add this these
283s middle parts in
290s like this
298s yeah and then we've got these other
302s platform bits here so
304s it's kind of one of the one of the
306s tricky things with blocks like if you
308s want to make it very easy to build with
310s you've got to use a lot of rules
313s um to get the auto building to happen
315s but also it kind of like takes away a
317s lot of control from people like you
320s might get in situations where the block
322s um
324s is like just it's impossible to get the
327s exact block that you want in the in the
329s position so
330s but the downside is once you start doing
332s that you end up with a lot more forms to
335s to get all of the shapes you want so
339s um I'll get a ramp so
349s these are still really hard to place
351s we've got a new interaction system
353s coming right
354s yeah we are also working on the
356s introduction system the idea is to
358s improve uh I mean not only building
361s system but but generally how you
363s interact because uh what happens when
366s you're trading track with something is
367s that it evaluates like the ultimate
371s interactables all the objects that are
374s that you may want to interact with and
376s it takes a decision decision but the
379s system is is kind of old so it's been
381s improved uh and as you can see in
384s current version is a bill it's a bit
385s difficult to to place the ramps
390s yeah that's always been a tricky one
392s so that's exciting
394s um yeah and so we've also got these
396s pillar blocks so these are rotatable to
398s go around the edge
400s um I mean this is all work in progress
401s and we're just trying to see what what
404s we can build with them and what what
405s other things need to be added
408s um
408s Rob's been having a um a very full-on
411s week with it
412s trying to get all of the rules to work
414s but still keeping the the controls so
419s um yeah we've got these Junction pieces
420s so these can go on top
425s but
443s foreign
446s we actually have the the first question
448s about them Toby uh can we use the the
452s pillars that we are showing to build a
455s bridge Bridges or Bridge or are only
458s those for for dogs
479s oh wait I I it seems
482s it seems like like we lost Toby audio
488s let me let me check yeah can you check
492s you're not
493s oh yeah well can you can you hear me
496s dear yeah yeah I think it's for it's
498s fine now I'm I'm sorry about that it
500s seems like like I made and you have a
503s Facebook a streamer right here hello
506s there
508s Mexican
509s oh Cassie hey how's it going yeah taking
513s a break from the role play yeah it's a
517s bit more more intimidating doing a
519s stream it's so um it doesn't understand
523s that but yeah it's nice I'm sorry that
524s we have some
525s some issue with the with the audio
529s um okay I we we were uh you we were
532s asking about if we could use those those
535s pillars on the on the bridge I'm sorry
538s that that you answer about the audio was
540s working
541s wow okay yeah um yeah I was saying um
544s absolutely like
546s um you can kind of I imagine it's being
548s used all over the place so like for
550s decks around like houses walkways
553s bridges that sort of stuff like we
555s originally originally designed it as
557s like a nautical sort of set but
561s um
562s definitely it'll be useful in other
563s places and I'll show you like I'll show
565s you this little bit over here that I was
567s building
569s so
571s this is kind of how we imagine
574s you know you might lay out a little
576s thing you've got you're going down to
577s your boats you've got your mortgage
579s posts
582s um
582s these ones down here like if in the
585s concept art
586s there's these blocks that are
589s got barrels on them so they're kind of
590s like floating platforms
592s um there might be something we do with
594s these ones that they look like they're
595s kind of just floating maybe when they're
596s in water they show that that Barrel
600s this would be kind of cool
604s um but also
605s yeah you can do a bunch of other things
607s with it as well so
609s playing around with this like little
611s deck thing that's like the support
612s column in the Middle with the light on
614s it
616s so there's a bunch of possibilities
620s yeah we have uh some additional
623s questions survey so the first question
625s is is actually one that I also have
627s asked to be
629s um
630s cards go up in on these ramps because
634s this love is like like really really
637s steep
638s yep
639s um they they can't we did Tesla and you
641s definitely can't but um we want to add
644s like maybe a four to one ramp
648s um to this set like it's it's still work
650s in progress so this is just kind of like
651s the initial thing but yeah I think
655s I think that four to one ramp is
656s probably a good idea maybe something
658s that works in the same way as the
660s like the um yeah Ashley ramps
664s yeah nice yeah yeah that's that that's
667s as we mentioned at the beginning of the
668s stream yeah this is a work in progress
671s so so we still have some issues like
673s cars can't go up right now but but we we
677s have considered that and it's something
679s that is going to be considered for the
682s for the actual feature there there is
684s another question and is how many forms
687s does the the peer have
691s hundreds like
693s uh one two three four five six seven
697s eight nine ten eleven that's probably
699s gonna change a little bit but
702s um I think
704s the thinking at the moment is this might
705s be kind of distributed into the the
707s human log
709s um
711s block set
712s and then potentially also for the other
715s forms they'll start getting
718s um so the the other block sets will get
721s um these similar sort of blocks because
722s something I'd like to do is like kind of
725s unify the blocks a little bit more
727s because
729s it is it's kind of different depending
731s on which which block you're building
733s with they kind of behave a little bit
734s differently and there's a lot of
735s different there's a lot of inconsistency
737s with the the way they're set up so and
740s they were done at different times as
741s well so like over the years you know
743s there's early versions and then they've
744s gotten more advanced as we've gone along
746s so
747s we want to go back and polish all of
748s that stuff up
749s um and if you like in in the form if you
752s want to leave any comments about that
754s um like I know there's a lot of
756s uh there's a lot of that around already
758s just you know in in GitHub and on this
761s Discord and Reddit and stuff like that
764s there's a lot of comments about block
766s sets but if if you want to add it into
767s that form we'll kind of collate
769s everything together
770s and come up with a plan for what we want
772s to do yeah I could get that polish to
774s them yeah our the question actually the
778s question it up mentioning that that the
781s existing blocks have fewer options but
784s but yes so we mentioned it's something
786s that is being work and feel free to give
789s us more feedback about the the existing
793s blocks that's why we set up this this
795s Google form we really appreciate a the
799s community feedback so so yeah if if you
802s want if you have some ideas yes feel
805s free to share this with us and we we can
807s discuss it on on our meetings
810s thanks sorry
811s yeah
814s um
816s so we've also got a couple of other
818s little decorative things that we've been
821s I think I'm gonna hide this thing
828s these are just some little decorative
829s bits and pieces they've only just been
831s kind of added so they're not polished
833s and lined up properly and there's some
836s occupancy issues but
839s these are purely decorative so you can
841s use them to kind of decorate your your
842s Wharf areas
844s got a bunch of these different colored
846s like sort of hanging
849s boy things
851s um
852s this one's kind of interesting it's like
854s a fish drying rack it's kind of just
857s decorative at the moment but maybe it
858s could have a function
860s it seems like it could
863s it's got fish on it
865s um
866s there's nice uh I'm sorry you know that
868s you're talking about decoration there's
870s a question a bit related to that are we
874s going to have different wood colors for
876s hardwood and soft wood
880s yeah so this is this is a like a very
883s placeholder texture at the moment like
886s you can see this is just gray
888s um but it will be integrated into the
890s the block set so
893s um
894s it should look more like the human I
897s mean the human log is something we want
898s to revisit anyway so maybe q log will be
901s brought up and this will be brought to
902s kind of match match the game log
905s um but also hardwood and soft wood yeah
906s they will have
908s their own um
909s different textures to match those sets
913s yep
915s you can also show us how it looks under
918s the water
920s oh yeah
926s oh there is actually one comment that
928s the probably yes display could be used
930s for fish and drying for example
934s yes absolutely so yeah I love how it
937s looks under the water
939s yeah
940s he has a lot more sort of detail to this
942s block set than than some of the other
944s ones especially for if this is going to
946s be human log then
948s it's um it's adding a lot to that set so
952s we just have to make the rest of the
953s Hume logs that look look better
961s okay we also need to fix this
965s yeah so I I commented that on the twitch
967s chat then we still have some some
970s malicious with water while
972s that they are still being working on
975s yeah
978s yeah we have we have some additional
980s questions uh but I think that they are
982s more fortunes uh I think they he's
985s answering them on the
986s on the chat
988s okay check
992s the one is
994s yeah one of that is if boats and dog
998s system work with Rising water
1001s um
1002s and okay just start with the with the
1005s other question
1006s so
1009s let me check
1012s okay the question was an industrial
1014s barge has a crane does that mean that it
1017s can be used to build on water that was
1019s the question and James Jen's answer
1022s could be can be found on Twitch but just
1024s in case
1025s he mentions we have some design plans
1028s for extending more functionalities to
1030s the industrial barge after the 10
1032s version
1033s but right now it's simply different and
1037s more efficient barge made at later the
1040s stages I mean so right now it's not done
1042s but it's being considered so the other
1045s question uh that could be for James is
1049s if the
1050s boat and dock system work with the
1053s rising water system
1056s or or I mean the influence of water in
1058s general
1061s I I don't know if you know the answer we
1064s should ask gents yeah I'd I'd say it
1067s probably it probably weren't like they
1069s weren't they won't rise with the water
1070s levels they'll just kind of they'll need
1072s to be rebuilt to
1074s to match the water levels same as like
1076s your your houses and
1079s um other buildings and things like that
1081s like if the water level rises then
1082s that's going to affect your
1083s infrastructure at the
1087s um in the docks as well so
1089s okay I get I get it again yeah I mean
1091s well I mean we don't have any system
1094s like implemented for
1096s reacting to whatever different that just
1099s how you write about but yeah so so it's
1102s something that may be considering the
1104s future but but it's really that's not
1106s like something really difficult to
1108s implement have never worked with the
1110s water of echo myself but but yeah I'm
1113s aware that it's one of the more
1115s complicated uh
1117s subjects there
1119s okay it can be tricky you you need to
1121s talk to gens if you want um want to know
1124s about water he's an expert
1126s yeah I agree so do we have confusing
1129s more decoration blocks that you want or
1132s behind blocks yeah
1135s yeah I've actually got two more um
1137s things to show here
1138s they're not placeable on what I get but
1140s they will be later on today after the
1143s stream I guess
1145s um but these are for
1148s like navigation so these are boys that
1151s will go out in the water
1153s we've got this one here which is the um
1155s the plastic one
1157s and then we've got a steel one a little
1159s bell
1162s I got little animations playing for the
1165s the bobbing which doesn't make a lot of
1166s sense on land but
1169s you get the idea
1171s they're very cool
1172s very cool assets
1175s yeah people people really like them on
1178s the in the chat that's they they look
1180s really beautiful I mean it'll be nice to
1181s see it
1183s but yes
1185s it's nice
1186s we have another question uh a couple of
1189s questions uh will it make sense maybe do
1192s you have something in my number this
1193s sounds of the what I don't know how to
1195s pronounce that through voice
1198s yeah it's a boy
1199s um or a buoy I guess
1202s um but yeah it's it should make a sound
1203s I think I think there's a task for that
1205s I'll make sure but it definitely should
1207s make a little sound
1209s which should be cool yeah that does not
1212s yet because it had it already has
1213s developed there so so it'll be nice to
1215s include a nice we we have a different
1218s person for for the
1220s for the audio so yeah we we need to to
1222s escalate that but but yeah I think we
1225s all agree that that I'm certain would be
1227s nice
1229s I I we have a couple more questions one
1233s would be if we have plans to get more
1236s rounded shapes or more blocks coloring
1241s yeah block block coloring is something
1243s I'd really like to do
1245s um and I know there's some ideas around
1247s on how to do it
1248s um but there's no no actual plans
1251s like concrete plans on how we're going
1254s to do it just yet but I mean that's
1256s another one you can add to the surveys
1258s to sort of build some support for the
1259s the case to work on that
1262s and what about are there plans for
1264s including rounded chips
1270s um
1271s yeah I'd say that there's no plans at
1273s the moment but when we when we're
1274s looking at the rest of the block sets
1277s um I think that would be something we'd
1279s want to want to look at as adding a bit
1281s more
1282s um
1283s like moving a little bit away from the
1285s QB stuff
1286s um so you can see even with this one
1288s it's got like a little bit more Fidelity
1291s and it's got rounded corners
1294s um
1295s or do you mean more maybe they're
1298s talking more about like the um the brick
1308s we have yeah I I'm sorry I finished it
1311s because they have we have a couple of
1313s questions
1315s yeah
1316s so maybe maybe this sort of stuff
1319s um oh yeah like the bricks the bricks
1322s are a really interesting set and
1324s I think it would be good to kind of look
1326s at the the other block sets and think
1328s about what we can do to kind of bring
1329s these more closer together
1333s makes things make sense yeah that's
1335s that's a nice idea uh we have another
1338s questions for example our lighthouses
1340s planet
1344s lighthouses
1346s um foreign
1349s you can make your own lighthouse
1351s we just need to have a um like an actual
1354s light for the top yeah
1357s not planned but we should do that
1359s that'll be cool
1360s I'd like
1362s a nice idea now that that has been
1365s mentioned
1367s yeah how about the boys also ask how
1372s many colors are we going to have
1373s available
1377s these
1379s we're talking about these ones on the
1380s wall or yeah
1384s so these ones over here there's there's
1386s four colors at the moment
1388s um and you make them in the Glassworks I
1390s believe because they're they're made of
1392s glass
1395s and I know when I was the the boys do
1398s one The Voice the ones that they're
1401s going to work they're going to have more
1402s colored options
1406s because for the glass bulbs we have I
1407s know that we have five options yeah yeah
1410s and what about these subjects that are
1413s going to have more colored options
1417s um these ones aren't something to be
1419s cool to do is just be able to change the
1421s color of the light on it so that you can
1423s set up your navigation channels
1425s um but there's not not a plan for that
1427s just yet but
1430s actually if I interact with this will it
1431s yeah yeah there's nothing there yet
1435s okay we have another question for me if
1437s you can check the chat I just added to
1439s the Discord chat
1441s get more more flip keep I'll read it
1445s could we please get more morphs for tier
1448s four eyeshadow materials in instead of
1450s something suffering like tier two bricks
1456s gotcha
1458s so is there something that maybe that
1460s you already had in mind or
1467s so you want to add more to this set yeah
1472s um
1474s well I think
1476s like we're gonna have to have to revisit
1479s this because
1480s um
1481s like I'd like to get all the feedback
1482s from the community on what they what
1484s they want including comments like that
1486s um and then we'll kind of get together
1488s as a team and do a bunch of building
1491s um and come up with a plan
1493s for what we want to do so yeah
1496s I'm gonna say no no planes at the moment
1497s but that sounds like a good suggestion
1505s you have something more to to show us
1508s that'll be able to do looks
1512s um
1515s I think that's kind of it like I've
1517s showed off these blocks like there'll be
1519s more work done on these so we might
1520s share some more stuff as it gets further
1522s developed but
1525s yeah
1526s well I think it's going to be a good
1528s good set
1530s that's that's nice uh we are also going
1532s to have a different stream with the art
1535s team to show how the avatars are coming
1538s up so that's going to be one really
1540s interesting uh right now for the duck
1544s blocks we are finished so I'm going to
1547s check if we have additional questions
1549s uh let me check the chat
1554s there is one question that I just saw
1556s can animals like sharks get on the dock
1560s I think that that's something that that
1563s hasn't been tested yet
1564s uh yeah and then if James have any idea
1567s of how that's going to be handled but
1570s I'm sure that
1572s yeah yeah
1574s I'm gonna say probably that will be the
1576s case at the moment but
1581s but yeah
1585s cool okay there is another question will
1588s block snapping be something that will be
1590s adding for the 10th version
1594s clock snapping
1599s well I'm not entirely sure what's what
1602s the question is asking yeah I'm
1605s naturally neither because I mean the
1606s blocks already snap based on the on
1609s their position do you is there more
1612s information maybe the person that made
1614s the question because I'm trying to find
1615s it
1619s sure
1629s I believe that that will be a question
1632s that we need to to read again if there
1634s is more context I think that
1638s okay he may the person that has
1641s commission that sometimes Dayton is not
1643s well
1644s that's about answers like a book Maybe
1648s yeah I wonder if it's referring to like
1650s sometimes it is very difficult to to get
1653s it to line up exactly what you want
1654s especially with ramps
1656s um and if you're trying to place things
1657s on top sometimes that's got a little bit
1659s of trouble so I'm I'm hoping the
1662s interaction fixes will kind of address
1664s that but
1665s yeah and that's that's right we
1667s mentioned at the early industry the the
1671s interaction system is going to be
1673s reworked and we hope that it really
1675s improves how easy it is to make
1678s interactions inside the game in general
1680s that includes the building system but we
1684s are also open to feedback so any opinion
1687s related to to this right please let
1689s alone I I see that that we have already
1694s some some questions that maybe Toby will
1697s know for example uh are we going to have
1700s Islip corners
1702s on different kind of angle roofs okay
1705s let me you can check the question in
1707s this code just in case yeah I can see
1709s that
1710s um
1712s half slope corners
1715s hmm
1717s that's a good idea yeah
1720s again I'd like to get some kind of input
1723s from the community about
1725s how to address adding more and more
1727s stuff to this screen because
1729s I think maybe having like drop downs
1731s from these different forms that have
1734s access to different types maybe as an
1737s option or because it's it's starting to
1739s like if we're adding more and more
1741s different forms it's going to get um
1745s quite complicated and difficult to use
1747s in the
1749s in these screens so
1750s it's something we want to think about
1752s for sure
1753s but that's a good idea
1756s nice
1758s um so you think that would be all the
1759s questions let me check again just in
1761s case and as we mentioned we really
1765s appreciate Community feedback so so
1767s anyone that can take the time to to fill
1769s the Google forms would be really nice
1771s for us to to know how to
1775s I mean what priorities try to try to
1778s have based on the actual feedback from
1780s the from the community
1782s so so yeah that that would be all the
1784s questions uh that we have so that'll be
1787s all for today thank you Toby for let us
1790s know how the the Ducks are going
1794s um yeah nice models I really love the
1796s concept and well as I mentioned we are
1798s going to have a another stream with Dr
1800s team to check Avatar so yeah please be
1803s we I hope that we have a lot of people
1806s for that that would be all thank you
1808s everybody bye bye
1811s thanks yeah