about 1 year ago - Strange Loop Games - Direct link
about 1 year ago - Strange Loop Games - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hello everyone I am Johannes Pinal from
4s Beijing Colombia today we have to guests
7s from Europe gents and Adam
9s gents do you want to introduce yourself
11s again
13s hello my name is James Works working as
16s game developer and game designer for eco
19s mostly Afflicted with um
22s recalculations and dealing with game
24s balance and general design
28s nice song What About You Adam
31s oh yeah I'm Adam I'm the web developer
33s for strangely games uh I've mainly work
37s on the website uh the twitch plugin as
39s you'll see and
41s election website for the server too
45s okay that's that's nice thanks uh James
48s and Adam so we're going to talk to them
51s in a moment but first as always a small
54s recap we are going to have streams every
56s week to talk about some features and
58s answer the questions you may have we are
61s also always open to feedback from the
63s community so let us know what you think
65s today's feature the twitch election
68s plugin is a work in progress so it may
70s have some modifications before it
72s becomes available we may also have some
75s small technical issues but yeah it may
78s happen on a work on progress so for the
80s last streams we got feedback for for the
83s economy viewer and the blocking system
86s so uh today we would appreciate if again
90s you take the time to participate on the
93s survey so on the top of the screen share
97s you will see a link so you can give us
99s feedback for the features that we are
102s going to talk today I mean we are going
104s to have feedback for civics and the
107s touch plugin but if you only have
108s feedback for one of them just feel part
110s of the form and submit it it will be
112s okay like that of course
114s so okay uh this room is going to be
117s divided into parts we are going to have
119s the Civics the look into Civics by genes
123s and then we will check the twitch
125s feature by Adam
127s so so okay let's start with with James
129s gents what do you have to tell us about
131s two weeks
133s um well we've we've gone over over
135s Civics in our streams up to nine where
138s we had a fundamental change in how you
140s kind of interacted with them and
143s um playing with them in game rather than
144s through the web browser uh primarily so
148s I'll go through a quick quick sort of
151s preview into how you set up a
153s constitution and add add a law add and
157s change how an election process is is
160s handled and
162s as we have sort of our default blank
165s that works towards the active
167s demographic
169s um but we're going to change that out to
170s make sure that it's everyone on the
172s server and not just the um
174s uh the active demographic that's used
177s um
178s I think we can dive straight into it
182s um and I'll you know also how that kind
185s of deals and changes with your potential
188s streamer audience
190s um in regards to the twitch plugin
195s uh so first off we have your basic
198s basic capital and this is using the
201s Legacy system so this is something that
203s um
204s any old player is going to recognize and
205s be
206s familiar with as we're still working on
209s the settlement features so those will be
212s sort of showed off in another stream
215s and you have your Capital which is
217s crafted through the carpentry table
220s and this is where you create your basic
223s Constitution
225s so when you first place this down you'll
228s have the Constitution and it'll pop up
230s as a draft that is not currently active
232s unless you know you have them you
234s already have a constitution on the
236s server and you're trying to
238s create a new one or replace it
241s and this contains a couple of
244s altered behaviors where we've bundled
246s all of the different Civic abilities
248s into one
250s wholesome coverage instead of having
253s eight different articles individually
256s for the basic setup making it a bit more
259s legible and hopefully a bit more
262s easy to approach in this regard
267s um
268s and to start your draft
270s um
271s you're gonna need to hit the starter
273s ratification election
275s and this will give you a pop-up saying
277s draft on Election to ratify it
280s once this process is started you can
282s also start adding different articles to
284s it or change the change different
287s variations of
290s properties of this constitution
294s so we start this and ignore the
296s achievements those are not ready either
300s it'll come up every now and then in the
302s background at the moment
304s so now we have ratification started and
307s if we want to do any adjustments to this
311s we've got
312s um
313s you can choose your demographics that
315s are allowed to propose different
317s articles or laws or changes to it and
320s then you have the election process which
322s is how it handles the election once it's
324s running who can vote on it who can veto
327s and cancel the election
329s how to handle ties and all these
333s different types of variations as well as
335s these different twitch interactions as
337s you can see
340s and to change any of that you're gonna
342s have to craft
344s which currently still in the capital for
347s the Legacy system but this these will be
348s in a different drafting table
350s um for the settlement features
352s um you're gonna need a Board of
354s Elections
355s and
357s you're gonna have to have a room that
360s can contain it and I'm still looking
362s into
364s how and and where we want to be
366s introducing these objects and in certain
369s volume and space requirements from the
373s balance perspective because we do want
374s to introduce these fairly early on but
376s still
378s um kind of have a requirement for a town
380s hall or a settlement
385s so once you have one of these placed
388s you've got three slots as for any Civic
390s object you start a draft process
394s and this gives you a rough copy and so
398s this starts off with the blank basic
401s uh presets which is what it's using for
404s the basic election process
406s this has the voters as active and we
409s wanted to change this to everyone
412s uh V tours will leave it blank and then
415s you can select and choose how to proceed
418s if the election ends up in a tie where
420s you can select a random candidate or
422s simply no winner at all
424s or incumbrant priority
428s which means if you have someone that's
430s holding a title
432s an elected title for instance where the
436s already sitting person would be the
438s preferable choice if it ends up in a tie
441s or the non-incarbon incumbent which
444s would be the opposite
446s um where you might want to force someone
449s to only have a certain amount of
453s you'd rather have a new person than the
455s previous sitting one
458s we'll leave that as random candidates
460s and then we'll kind of leave most of
462s these as blank
464s and you can change these out and then
467s set these to whatever you really want
469s for a specific type of election type
473s uh
474s we can select Anonymous voting this is
476s not default
480s for the basic one as you if you look
483s into the election you will be able to
485s see who voted what
487s but this is something that is selectable
490s and then you have for our twitch
492s interactions which Adam will come in on
495s um after I've sort of gone through and
497s and posted this you can also select what
500s type of weight attribution to those
502s votes twitch subscribers for
505s non-subscribers have in Impact wise
507s we'll leave these as blank just yeah
509s James I'm sorry that I interrupt you for
511s for a second so this last parameters
515s that we have
518s are actually some of the of the related
521s to some of the questions we already have
522s in the chat so as as you can see and uh
526s we will talk a little bit more about
527s this once uh Adam is is joining us
531s telling more about the twitch feature
533s but as you can see right now we can
536s decide if the feature is enabled and if
539s it is enabled we can decide what is the
541s weight of the boat that the twitch
544s subscriber would have so it should be
547s possible to to keep a balance for that
550s as I mentioned we are going to talk more
552s about this balance for the twitch
554s feature later but but as you can see
556s right now on Jen's explanation there are
558s some of the parameters that we can
559s control
561s yeah go ahead Jen sorry for the
562s interruption yeah
564s um
565s so now that we've changed the the
567s parameter we wanted to change we wanted
569s to make sure that everyone has a say in
572s anything that's being proposed here
575s we'll add this process and we'll include
577s that inside the ratify Constitution now
580s this will allow us to bundle it into the
583s same election
586s and this is something that
589s we included and was added in 9.3 I think
594s but we kind of wanted to go over this
596s process because it has been something
598s that a lot of people aren't really aware
600s of is possible
603s um that you can change out
605s a lot of your Constitution and how you
608s want to vote for it or
611s how you kind of want to deal with the
613s whole election and post-election results
618s um
619s from the start you don't need to create
621s the Constitution vote for the
623s Constitution and then start doing edits
625s after that which would prolong depending
628s on how how long your voting process and
630s how you're how active your population is
632s on the server it could take up to 24
634s hours as the default election timer
636s which would then add another 24 hours to
639s do any changes so we kind of have that
641s bundle option to cut down that election
643s timer to make sure that you can combine
646s these different election types and
650s uh get anything that you want in through
652s that first bulk election and this can be
654s included to extend you know zoning
658s rights districts
660s um any other of the aesthetic articles
661s that you can add
663s so now we have our election process we
666s can already tweak this inside the
668s Constitution draft that we made
670s so in this case we have everyone May
673s propose an election of a basic election
677s but we could change this out to have
680s uh to only allow active to vote on
683s something that contains the basic
685s collection
686s and then we can add another article
689s just copy and sort of duplicate the
692s variables that's used here
695s but if
697s everyone is a proposer for it
700s then we can use this new election
702s process
705s and this is something that you can just
706s outright your place here but I wanted to
708s keep the old one to be you know if you
710s wrote things on something with as active
713s only the active people gets to vote on
716s it versus if everyone
719s um
719s in general
721s that may not be active then everyone has
725s a say in it to make sure that you know
727s you're sort of wholesomely including
729s everyone on the server
730s now
732s the trick with this is that it will
735s include everyone which means this also
738s includes your
740s non-active players
742s and the total vote count will include
745s anyone that's connected to the server so
748s if your active Community exceeds
750s the volume of non-active players then
753s you might sort of end up in a limbo
756s situation where you can't get lost to
757s pass because you don't have enough
759s people voting on it based on the amount
762s of minimum percentage eligible voters
767s since this is set as a default to 51 of
770s the total
772s um
773s valid voters in this
777s so we want to also include a law in this
780s and this would require you to place a
782s court which is currently as everyone is
785s aware that has been tinkering with laws
788s is a quite a big object we have cut this
792s down in size
795s in upcoming iterations so these objects
798s will be individually placed and you
801s won't need the entire
803s Behemoth of the object in in one go so
806s to speak you can space these out or kind
809s of fit them in however you want in a
811s room
813s and go into an active low slot or draft
817s the law
818s and for this particular one
822s I know this is something that people
824s have been wanting
825s um
826s which We snuck in as a new auth action
829s as well
831s um so that'll hopefully be
833s something that people will enjoy
836s um so we want to do a
840s stew
842s Constructor deconstruct
846s and we just want to prevent Construction
849s and
851s now I could do
855s another type of parameter value here so
858s I could limit this to
861s um
862s if you have a residence or if you don't
864s have a residence
867s um
868s and sort of extend this out to whatever
870s kind of requirements or
873s inclusion you want if it's in a district
875s or if it's a certain demographic
879s um if you have a certain skill set
883s and then we can do something like change
885s reputation pay tax prevent ignore auth
890s and do all kinds of fun things with
893s any number of combinations here and I
896s know people are daunted by this and
899s I strongly recommend people to sort of
902s poke at it and see what it's about just
904s to
906s uh just to test it
909s um
911s it is a bit complex
914s um
915s because it is essentially programming if
918s you will where you're telling the system
919s how it's supposed to behave
922s um
924s and we're working on on simplifying it
926s as much as we can
928s um so any any opinions and any
932s um
933s adjustments or preferences that people
935s may have feel free to post them as well
937s because we do love input on this
941s um and try to try to improve it as much
942s as we can as we go
946s um so in this case we're just outright
947s preventing Construction
949s uh rename it to
952s instruction
953s prevention just so we know what we're
956s dealing with and what it's doing
958s and then we include this law as well in
959s here
962s and we now attached it to the
964s Constitution draft
967s and
970s say we're quite happy with this now we
972s have this under under wraps we've got a
975s election process
976s we've adjusted the election process for
979s this we've added and included the law
981s and you want to start the Constitution
984s election
985s now here is where
989s um
990s it gets tricky but it really doesn't
993s um let me just do
997s so in here we don't really have a clear
1000s way of how to start an election
1003s but as soon as you hit a draft and you
1006s start creating it
1007s this is tied to you personally and this
1011s is something that we changed and added
1013s in a way for
1015s um to avoid having multiple people
1018s starting drafts and kind of editing the
1021s same version and adding different adding
1024s different laws
1027s or adding different election processes
1030s and you would have conflicting interest
1033s in you were creating a certain draft for
1036s what you envisioned and then someone
1038s else were adding random articles to your
1040s current active draft
1044s um so these are individual and these
1047s startup in the election tab so this is
1050s where you have any essential election
1052s happening anything that you are eligible
1055s to vote on
1056s notifications regarding changes to
1059s civics
1061s and just
1063s uh General process of Elections this is
1066s where you actually start the draft once
1069s you have it and you can Mouse over the
1070s draft to get a tooltip of what's
1073s included in it
1075s um just to have an idea on what you're
1076s actually adding
1078s if you're unhappy with it you can cancel
1080s the draft and it'll just blank it out
1081s and remove all the Articles from it
1085s um so yeah we're happy with this
1088s and we can start it and it starts
1091s devoting and I think this is where I'm
1094s pass it over to Adam
1095s yeah before that uh yeah we are about to
1098s go with Adam but Jen said you might
1100s answer a couple of questions first
1103s so so I just uh brought in on the on the
1107s screenshot just in case but yeah here
1109s comes the first one the first one was
1110s already answered uh but but I'm going to
1114s to read it again because maybe not
1116s everyone was aware of the questions so
1118s first question will we get the ability
1120s to export import loads
1123s um it is something that we're looking at
1125s natively
1126s um because it is an essential part of
1129s being able to craft more intricate and
1132s uh sophisticated loss
1135s um
1136s so it is something that we're looking at
1139s the case nice next question uh what are
1142s the new gameplay possibilities when you
1143s mount an object
1147s um
1148s you can do pretty much the same thing as
1151s you can do with any other loss in
1154s general right now I don't have since the
1155s law is in action
1157s um I can't open it up and
1159s showcase it but essentially you could
1161s prevent people from mounting a vehicle
1167s and and yeah so you can you could tie
1170s certain vehicles to certain professions
1171s through loss or vice versa
1175s and
1177s any kind of tax payment or or debit
1181s usage through that
1184s I think uh thank you another the last
1187s question that we have uh related to
1189s these first Civics is it possible to add
1193s a permanent law out to or I'm sorry uh
1196s brand law out to to cancel modify others
1199s people work orders on our workstation is
1202s the question number 10 just in case
1205s uh no you can you can't retroactively
1209s prevent the work order to be used once
1211s it's crafted once it's placed
1214s um
1218s it is it is an interesting Prospect to
1222s look into because we're as it is right
1225s now we're not preventing someone to
1227s actually use or add resources to a work
1230s order in order to craft items because
1232s we're we're not blocking the item
1235s crafting in itself we're blocking the
1237s work order creation so
1240s um retroactively It's tricky to do that
1244s um
1246s but it is an interesting
1248s um
1249s idea and something that I can can
1253s probably look into but
1255s um
1256s I don't think it will be anything that
1257s we're changing for them
1260s okay uh thank you gents would you mind
1262s uh to remind people the last thing you
1265s did the logic that you just created
1266s before we go to Adam
1269s uh yeah so the law is is simply to
1274s um using the event construct or
1276s deconstruct and then specifying if
1279s you're trying to construct it'll prevent
1281s someone from doing it so this is
1283s preventing everyone anyone or everyone
1285s to
1287s from being able to build anything in the
1289s world essentially
1290s okay that's nice so now let's go with
1293s with guy
1295s should be we should be able to see his
1298s screen now
1299s uh thank you again gents So Adam you can
1301s start now
1303s awesome right so this is the uh
1306s extension
1307s um
1307s it will allow you to interact with it in
1309s a few ways
1311s um the main aim of it is
1313s to interact with it with elections
1316s um to actually see the election that was
1319s just created it has appeared here
1321s and so you can click it
1323s um if there was a description added it
1325s will be displayed there
1328s um and it also gives you the time
1329s remaining so you know
1330s if you can vote on it or if not it won't
1333s if it's ended it won't be there anymore
1336s um
1337s so what will happen is
1339s um you can click vote and you can uh
1343s vote on these type of things here so yes
1345s or no and depending on what the vote is
1347s if it's a multi-choice vote
1350s um so there's multiple options you can
1352s it will have all of them on there rather
1354s than just a yes and no
1356s um so it will look slightly different
1359s um
1360s so what happens is if I click I just say
1363s no for instance
1365s um it will tell me over it is now
1368s um
1368s oh there's the first bug it should tell
1372s you that uh
1373s a twitch user has voted here but for
1375s some reason it hasn't I'm not sure why
1378s um but as it says it says that
1380s I have voted no
1384s um and some people have some questions
1385s regarding the elections
1388s um which I can go through
1391s uh so
1393s um different weights for subs or
1394s non-subs
1396s um we haven't thought about that I don't
1398s think or have we
1400s um
1402s I think it's dependent on uh
1405s be configured Insight in the time um how
1408s you've configured it in the options that
1410s you saw earlier
1412s um so that was how that's done I believe
1416s um and can you uh vote as a sub for
1419s multiple streamers
1421s so how the voting works is it's per user
1425s not
1426s per user for each stream so you can have
1430s multiple streamers in the server
1433s that have it activated
1435s but your vote will be across all of them
1437s rather than
1439s each streamer
1441s if that makes sense hopefully it does
1447s um some other questions you had
1448s regarding this one and then I can move
1449s over to the other tabs oh yeah we have a
1452s couple of questions now that you
1454s mentioned before we go to the to the
1456s other tab so let me review some of the
1460s questions uh just in case as I'm going
1462s to read the ones on that on the document
1465s so the the first one is the different
1468s way uh for subscribers and subscribers
1473s um yeah I just I'm sorry I went through
1474s that one just made it okay oh yeah sorry
1477s yeah it's fine uh so the weights are
1479s configured uh depending on how you set
1481s it up at the time of creation so
1485s um you can adjust the weight
1487s um so how you would prefer them to be
1490s okay yeah sorry yeah here's our repeated
1492s questions so
1495s um does twitch boat count Road total
1498s voters each streamer gets sure
1502s uh so how this works is it's combined
1505s across all the streamers
1506s um
1507s so it's not a like a war total
1511s um
1512s sorry the question was uh countless of
1514s war total voters or each stream I get to
1516s share um yeah so so all the combined
1519s votes of
1520s everyone across the board it's not just
1523s I can't go to someone else and get
1525s another streamer and vote for the same
1527s option and it counts as two votes from
1529s me it's
1531s just one vote across all streamers for
1534s that server
1536s yeah just just to clarify I as you may
1539s imagine there may be multiple streamers
1541s for the same server so that's why this
1543s question
1544s okay uh next question will twitch boring
1548s let us order our Bots like on the
1550s website like uh I bought jio number one
1553s ice version number two
1556s um no so the um Amy options you get
1561s um as a twitch viewer item is
1564s um you vote on one thing so as you saw
1566s on this one it was yes or no
1568s um if it's a multi-choice one you can
1570s get elections for candidates
1573s but you only get one that you don't get
1576s um
1577s don't get the drag and drop options like
1579s you do in the election website
1582s okay I get it so the next question
1585s um do the twitch subscriber actions uh
1589s tie into one twitch Channel or multiple
1593s it is like the question number eight it
1596s doesn't I think yeah that was similar to
1597s the question before um yeah yeah so you
1599s can have like five or six streamers on
1602s one server but you're very well in
1604s account
1605s once to put it down it doesn't matter
1607s what streamer you put it on
1609s yeah yeah sorry the unit is that it was
1612s the yeah I mean different question about
1614s saying concept
1616s um okay we have another will streamers
1619s will be able to add their OBS frame with
1622s the current election status and how will
1625s they get a the link or that for that
1631s um let me see if I can understand that
1632s question uh
1638s so we um an OBS overlay
1641s I believe that questions for um so this
1643s one is a Twix twitch extension so this
1647s will go below
1648s the streamers video
1650s um we are also
1653s um thinking about having it as a video
1655s overlay as well
1656s um but that will need some more work
1657s into it and that'll be a future idea
1661s or maybe when it's live
1664s okay nice uh that's remember everyone
1667s that we have a link on the top of the
1669s streaming so feel free to go to the link
1672s and give us feedback on what would you
1674s like to see on this twitch uh plugin
1677s that we are working on as you may know
1679s not everything is possible as we all the
1682s implementation that we do are then
1684s reviewed by twitch and some
1686s modifications may not be possible but
1689s but we are really happy to work on a
1691s feature that allows the community to
1693s participate more remember that you can
1696s also deactivate this feature if you
1698s don't think it's a good idea for your
1700s server remember that you can reduce the
1702s weight for the twitch boats and you can
1705s also limit the amount of boats that you
1707s get from from twitch so
1710s so yeah we are really happy about our
1712s this feature but we are really open to
1714s feedback let us know what you think uh
1716s James I'm sorry uh Adam would you mind
1719s going to the other tabs while I check
1722s the other questions thank you um so the
1724s other tab is okay for the info ones
1726s first so this is an overall
1728s um piece of information for the server
1730s so it will tell you
1732s what the name of the server is that your
1734s streamer is playing on
1736s um
1737s and it gives you some stats as well so
1739s say how long how many days have passed
1741s since
1744s um they've launched the server
1747s um how many players are online at the
1749s time as well
1750s um this should automatically update you
1752s too
1752s um so there's no need to refresh the
1755s page or the extension every time every
1757s time the extension gets updates it will
1760s refresh automatically for you
1763s um it'll also tell you how many total
1764s players are on the server as well as the
1767s current ones that are online and if the
1769s meteor is enabled then it will tell you
1772s the impact date of the meteor
1774s and then below that it will give you
1776s more information
1778s depending on the actual features
1780s so if twitch chat can actually join the
1783s server then it will tell you and it will
1786s tell you whether you need to be a
1787s subscriber or not
1789s um and then this launch button here will
1791s actually launch the game for you and
1793s connect you uh this will only show if
1796s the streamer that's done if the server
1799s allows viewers to join or Subs so
1802s depending on what type it is if you have
1805s to be a subscriber to join the server it
1808s will only show the launch button for
1809s subscribers
1811s and I will also tell you if the meteor
1813s isn't able to disabled as well as the
1815s server details below it as well there
1818s that's just an overview of the actual
1820s server information
1822s and then uh the third tab we have here
1826s is
1827s um regarding graphs so this will allow
1830s you to look at
1831s stats for the server so if you want to
1834s look at how many species certain species
1836s are left
1837s um you can actually
1838s go through this and have a look
1840s to find out
1842s um how many they've got how many people
1844s were killed off
1846s for instance and it will change
1848s automatically for you there's no need to
1850s refresh the thing so some of these stats
1854s uh won't show much because it's a fresh
1856s server
1857s but it's nice and easy to look at the
1859s overall stats for the server so you
1862s don't have to ask the streamer or
1864s anything you can download yourself
1868s yeah we are also open to feedback about
1869s these graphs so if you have an idea of
1872s what you like to see there then it's not
1874s possible to see right now let us know
1876s and we can check if it is something
1877s possible to do to do there uh I'm sorry
1881s for the introduction again there is a
1884s question that says how do you prevent
1886s players from boring bot in game and on
1889s Twitch and the answer for that is that
1891s we don't have a way to prevent that on
1894s the current version so a person would be
1897s able to bought to vote twice as a player
1901s as a teacher as a teacher stream as a
1903s teacher subscriber I'm sorry if you
1906s think it is important that we prevent
1908s that let us know and and we can check if
1910s it is possible to validate but as you
1912s can imagine it's it's complicated
1914s because you can have your personal
1915s Twitch account and your player account
1918s and they are not connected in every way
1920s so it's really complicated to to prevent
1924s uh I I use are you saying that it's
1927s possible to prevent to be honest we we
1929s need to look into that but I but I think
1931s it's impossible to to prevent that and
1933s the second question is that is for Adam
1936s will be able to try out the twitch
1938s extension today
1939s and unfortunately not so
1942s um twitch has a review uh system where
1945s we have to submit it and it takes a
1947s while so we're gonna get it into a
1949s finished product first and then get set
1952s it send it to Twitch for review and then
1954s you can test it that way um so
1956s unfortunately it's not available for
1958s people to try at the moment even though
1960s we would love that
1962s yeah uh yeah the the way that we are
1965s that we are showing uh this today is
1968s with an internal uh like uh White list
1971s that we have that allow us the
1973s developers to participate but right now
1976s it is not a viable to for everyone we
1979s still need the the twitch validate is
1982s the future give us feedback then we
1984s trade again so yes uh Sun mentioned is
1987s not available today uh Adam do you have
1990s anything else to add to the features
1992s that we were displaying
1993s um yep so there is also a moderation tab
1996s as well this feature is not 100 finished
1999s at the moment
2000s um but I can still display it for you so
2002s we know it's important um for streamers
2004s to be able to moderate
2006s their things and also for things like
2009s modded servers and stuff there's data
2011s that's not specifically coming from the
2013s server
2014s um default server but other mods so what
2018s happens is if you click the Cog this
2020s will appear if you're a moderator or you
2022s have permissions from that and above
2025s you can click this
2026s and it will come up with all the
2028s information that you have to approve
2030s um so I've disabled it here for now so
2033s you can see it the information
2036s but you would pop this open and it will
2038s give you the information you have to
2039s review so if you you're okay with this
2042s and there's no profanity or anything in
2044s it you don't want to appear you can
2046s approve or deny it and just click that
2049s as I said it's not going to work fully
2051s but you click that and they'll disappear
2053s and you can go through
2055s and approve all the stat names as well
2057s to make sure your community is safe and
2060s think you don't want to appear
2062s um so that's one step we've done to help
2064s secure and protect your channels
2071s thank you Adam uh I'm going to to go
2075s with a couple of questions that we have
2076s one that we have here from YouTube chat
2079s that is for gens uh it's a bit because
2082s the question but yeah uh genes could I
2086s use Echo software to simulate the real
2088s world based on real data
2092s foreign
2095s mentally
2098s um
2099s or
2100s let me find did you have the question oh
2103s yeah I I just got it on the Discord
2105s channel is the last question
2107s uh
2111s not really in in sort of the complex
2113s regards that you might need because we
2117s do have a full
2119s um like atmospheric and pollution
2122s um
2124s based system for calculating things like
2128s air pressure and
2130s sort of airflow and all that
2132s [Music]
2132s um
2134s but it's probably not detailed enough in
2137s regards to
2140s um like water tables and
2142s kind of in-depth technical details for
2145s all the other aspects that might be
2147s required to have sort of a
2149s a result you're looking for
2152s AC thank you James for the answer there
2154s is another uh question uh will food ever
2158s be rebalanced uh the comment that is
2162s with the question is that solo players
2163s are hurting
2168s um
2171s um that's a bit of an ambiguous question
2174s um
2175s in
2178s um
2179s in in what regards would that be
2181s referred to I kind of wanted I kind of
2183s would like a more expanded question for
2185s that
2186s um is it is that in regard to if
2191s um like how you're not acquiring food
2194s because it's easier as a group to you
2197s know craft better food internally and
2200s they would just not sell you higher end
2202s Goods or
2205s um
2207s kind of where where where the question
2211s um
2212s is focused on because yeah there's a lot
2214s of aspects to it
2215s yeah I agree I agree with Jen's there is
2217s the question but uh and I I can't find
2221s the person that asked that question on
2223s the YouTube channel but in case that
2226s person is still with us yeah feel free
2227s to to add the question to the survey on
2230s the last part of the survey you can ask
2233s questions and we can check with more
2235s time man if you want your your ID we can
2237s try to answer you one sec we have more
2240s information because balance is really
2243s complex uh topic as we had have already
2245s mentioned so we really need more
2248s information to find what you think may
2250s not have the correct balance there uh
2253s another questions that we have this is
2256s for the related to the twitch channel so
2259s my twitch plugin so maybe for Adam
2261s uh can this twitch plugin also be
2263s integrated into their applications such
2265s as Discord
2267s uh so the way it works with twitch now
2272s um there is a possibilities of
2275s we could probably work stuff into
2277s Discord like that if we wanted to
2280s um we don't specifically know
2283s what we're gonna do other than the
2285s twitch plugin so far
2287s um like that could be a possibility yes
2290s but it would be probably text based
2292s rather than
2293s the fancy panel that you see
2296s okay uh thank you um yeah I think that
2299s Integrations are really nice if you want
2302s to see more Integrations like the one
2303s that we are doing we teach with twitch
2306s I'm sorry let us know for example this
2308s could be a interesting idea you feel
2311s free to add that on the on the survey as
2314s well so another questions that we have
2317s um for jeans food and housing bonuses
2321s have been a big problem for long-term
2323s service servers without moods after
2325s having all allowed proficient as level
2328s seven there is no reason to have food
2329s housing will the 10 version address this
2333s feature let me just paste that question
2336s in the Discord charges
2338s it's the last question um I I think long
2341s term wise
2342s um not necessarily because we are
2344s looking at changing out some of the uh
2347s some of the aspects of skill games
2351s um
2352s and uh kind of want you to keep pushing
2356s your food requirements
2358s um
2360s but it's probably outside the scope of
2362s of our update 10
2364s um as we're I mean still a bit focused
2367s on Civics but also on General
2370s interactions and new vehicles
2374s but it's definitely something that we
2376s are going to address
2379s and it is on it's been sort of on the
2381s planning table and on the board to
2385s finalize in regards to what we wanted to
2387s do with it because it is something that
2389s I think everyone has acknowledged and
2391s agreed that
2393s it is it is a problem that you cannot
2396s run into as soon as you pass a certain
2399s amount of time on the server where
2401s you're either happy with your skill set
2404s um
2405s and you kind of just
2407s pouring calories and labor into whatever
2411s you're working on for a
2413s Pet Project or a big build or you know a
2417s big infrastructure project and there's
2420s no real need to keep your food score up
2424s there's a couple of servers that have
2426s done some creative things to get around
2428s that problem to force you to eat better
2430s food but it is something from vanilla
2433s standpoint that we want to change and
2435s improve on uh absolutely but
2438s um it's it's a bigger it requires a
2443s bigger solution than we can fit in 410
2445s unfortunately although we would like to
2448s address it
2451s okay uh thank you everyone uh thank you
2454s Adam and James I know that we have a
2457s couple of questions left but we are
2459s running out of time so the idea is that
2461s if you have additional questions or
2463s there are questions that we couldn't
2464s answer during the stream uh feel free to
2467s add them to the survey and we will be
2469s checking on them
2471s thank you again everyone and see you
2473s later bye bye
2475s [Music]