about 3 years ago - Silmaril - Direct link
Dear Humans and Elves,

Please use this thread to discuss the new changes to Player Movement.

We're looking forward to your feedback!

Kind regards

Your Elvenar Team  
about 3 years ago - Herodite - Direct link
Hi @Laurelin To answer your question, the Mass Moves are still ongoing however, I have been informed that they will only be taking place on Mondays over the coming weeks into New Year. So those that find themselves still in the midst of Coin Mines, this should hopefully be rectified in the coming weeks.

I can't guarantee that this wont happen again, but i've not been made aware of any further scheduled forced moves. The only thing I would probably say is that once this one has been completed, and we return to "normal", the situation will be monitored. If of course they do decide a further mass move would be required, we will of course let you guys know :)

Kind Regards

about 3 years ago - Herodite - Direct link
Hi @SmillaJaspersen So the whole "Centre of the World Map" does get batted about a lot by the Team and the Players doesn't it :) So okay, laymans terms!

The desired effect of the recent and ongoing moves will (eventually) bring all Active Players towards each other, thus creating a far more active neighbourhood for Trade and Neighbourly Help. All inactive cities, will be moved to the outskirts. The moves however are dependant on finding an active space that meets your criteria. The space needs to be "Like for Like" containing the same Boosted Goods, and the same amount of Scouted Provinces. With that criteria in mind (and the amount of Players on each server), this is the reason why it is still taking some time.

The reason the option to remain was revoked, was to ensure that there would be no Players left in inactive coin mine cities. It was imbalances such as these, that prompted the forced move in it's first instance.

As active players are moved towards each other (and continue to be) the need to move will be lessened, however this will still happen from time to time if the system recognises a more viable, active position.

I hope this has answered you question :)

Kind Regards

about 3 years ago - Solanix - Direct link
@SmillaJaspersen, perhaps it needs to be mentioned that if the trading player is not discovered but in a specific range, you can see and accept the trade, but the fee for the Trader turns a 2-star-trade into a 1-star-trade. :)  
about 3 years ago - Solanix - Direct link
@SmillaJaspersen, when you put 2-star trades up, they are going very fast because so many players are waiting for those. :)