about 3 years ago - Solanix - Direct link
@Far Reach, I think those players fishing KP for their Ancient Wonders are well aware that they are adding more to their Ancient Wonders than to those of other players. Stopping them from upgrading their Ancient Wonders has the same effect as stopping them from adding KPs: They will be stuck at one point. If this happens sooner or later does not matter; they will still be upset.

We have many threads on this forum where people complain about KP fishing. They might be happier now that this KP fishing is not as beneficial as before. There is hope that things will calm down eventually. All the current upset is caused because the game was made more balanced, and there are fewer possibilities to work around this balance.  
about 3 years ago - Solanix - Direct link
@OldHag, are you talking about this permanent reporting back to the player or moving the cap from donating to upgrading?  
about 3 years ago - Solanix - Direct link
@OldHag, what would a warning help you when somebody donates tons of KP to your AWs? It would not stop them from doing so? This will all calm down over time, mainly when everybody starts looking after the other players and not only after themselves. Is it not always a question of time when new features get introduced? :)  
about 3 years ago - Solanix - Direct link
@C-Nymph, nothing would be less in my mind than doing that. Our players are, in general excellent, which makes it more confusing that things are going a bit wrong at the moment. :)  
about 3 years ago - Silmaril - Direct link
@Lil Elfette This is why all moderators pass every new idea and suggestion back to myself and why we have a whole section on the Forum for idea's and suggestions :)