about 3 years ago - Herodite - Direct link
@Twigjam So they use the Percentages to show what you'll earn in addition to your Basic Goods. So in your case, the Mountain Hall will give you an additional 80% on top of your Basic Goods Amount :) (Basic being 100% + 80% Bonus)

Hope that makes sense!

Kind Regards

about 3 years ago - Herodite - Direct link
@Twigjam I guess it just depends on how you play. I personally bypassed the Mountain Halls in favour of the Dwarven Bulwark because any boost to my troops is a bonus, plus space only gave me the option for one or the other. But I know a lot of Players who favour the Mountain Halls! So you know. Personal preference really!  
about 3 years ago - Herodite - Direct link
@Twigjam I love a Happy Ending... now it's time to create a supergroup for "Strange Percentages"...