6 months
ago -
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For that you can try adding a new line to the Empyrion.props file & you will need to to launch the game from root by double clicking on EmpyrionLauncher.exe:
- In the Empyrion root directory create a copy of the “Empyrion_Example.props” & rename it to just “Empyrion.props”
- Open it in notepad++ & add this on a new line & save the file
ForceGamePlatform = 2
- then with steam running start the game again with EmpyrionLauncher.exe from the root directory (you can create a shortcut for this & have it on your desktop)
This is only needed for the client, not for the Dedicated Server!
- In the Empyrion root directory create a copy of the “Empyrion_Example.props” & rename it to just “Empyrion.props”
- Open it in notepad++ & add this on a new line & save the file
ForceGamePlatform = 2
- then with steam running start the game again with EmpyrionLauncher.exe from the root directory (you can create a shortcut for this & have it on your desktop)
This is only needed for the client, not for the Dedicated Server!