about 8 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
Havent been on the game for awhile, but just noticed my
base, CV and SV are all showing as red blocks. Is there a way
I can convert them to the new blocks? Maybe converting
blueprints in creative? If there is an easy way to do it.
about 8 years ago - Pantera - Direct link

Also look in this directory SteamLibrary\steamapps\Common\Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Content\Extras

& open localisation.csv in excel.
about 8 years ago - Pantera - Direct link
What blocks types do you need to convert ?

Also you might be thinking of this command:

replaceblocks ID -alpha4

Put the ID number of the ship where it says ID
about 8 years ago - Pantera - Direct link
Originally posted by pibbotso: All my older metal blocks are just standard and come up
red...not green. Just wanted to convert the blueprints to
4.0 or above. Just been out of the game for at least 6 months
and things have changed so much. I thought I read somewhere
you can convert the blueprints in creative mode to update the
blueprint to current standards by using a console command to
convert the whole blueprint, not just the metal blocks.

Try this command in creative mode:

replaceblocks ID -alpha4

Put the ID number of the ship where it says ID.
To get the ship ID type DI in the console & get close enough to the ship until the ID shows up in the little black box that appears in the top of your screen.


replaceblocks 12 -alpha4

If that doesn't work you will need to

Use something like

replaceblocks ID HullFull HullFullLarge
about 8 years ago - Pantera - Direct link
Originally posted by pibbotso: But it does not mention the SV conversion...

The blocks have been seperated into small blocks for SV & HV & Large blocks for BA & CV.

For SV try something like this:

replaceblocks ID HullFull HullSmallBlocks

To convert everything on a sv the command above:

replaceblocks ID -alpha4

Might work.

Originally posted by pibbotso: Also does it mean I have to place the blueprint
to get the entityID

about 8 years ago - Pantera - Direct link
Originally posted by pibbotso: Wow thanks so much for the help I will get into
creative mode and see how it all turns out.
Great game just seems to get better all the time
hope the devs keep improving it.
thanks again..

No worries if you get stuck just post back.
about 8 years ago - Pantera - Direct link
Ok I did some testing I think the command

replaceblocks ID -alpha4

Will only work on the CV you mention in the OP.
But I can't get it to work on a old SV.
What colour is the SV ? RED or AMBER in the blueprint window ?

If the SV is amber its because you have to many of a certain turret have a look here for some more info http://steamcommunity.com/app/383120/discussions/0/305509857561776232/
about 8 years ago - Pantera - Direct link
Originally posted by pibbotso: Yep tried creative... cant change the sv..
ah well not to worry.
Just wondering if I need to save the blueprint after changing
the blocks. Even after the blocks are replaced, when you
do the replaceblocks command again it changes it again.
strange. Still shows the cvs and bases as red not green
...the integrity is still red.?

Integrity on a SV CV or HV doesn't matter.
If the CV you mention in the OP is now converted & is ok then yes overwrite the blueprint or to be cautious you could create a seperate blueprint & put the name however you want to with UPDATED at the end so you know which is which.

Edit: Some more playing around with commands for the SV small blocks its looking like you will have to do it manually. The square shape blocks are convertable with:

replaceblocks ID hull Hullsmallblocks

Hullsmallblocks is Steel blocks S

all the slopes & other shapes are manual I'm afraid.

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3 months ago - Pantera