almost 9 years ago - EmpyrionGame - Direct link
To manually setup an admin permission file on your server, please go into "Saves" inside the installation folder of Empyrion: C:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Empyrion - Galactic Survival (if Steam is not installed to standard location, see:

Create "adminconfig.yaml" with the following content:

# Admin Configuration

# This file can contain two lists: one with elevated players with special permissions
# and one with banned players.

# 'Id' is a SteamID64 in both lists, lookup possible at
# 'Permission' is 3 for 'GameMaster', 6 for 'Moderator' and 9 for 'Admin' - other values are not allowed.
# 'Until' is the time when the ban ends.

- Id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Permission: 9
- Id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Permission: 6
- Id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Permission: 3

Or download an example adminconfig.yaml here:
almost 9 years ago - Hummel-o-War - Direct link
Originally posted by GOD Miv: Doesn't work. I'm using the example (replaced with my steam64) and looking at the post.

Error in 'Empyrion Directory - Saves\adminconfig.yaml':
(Line: 11, Col: 1, Idx:379) - (Line: 11, Col: 1, Idx: 379): Exception during deserialization.
-> steam64?

=> You need to use the EGS Steam ID. Can be found if you open any of your Savegames in the PLAYERS folder. Just copy the numbers in front of the .ply and swap with the XXXXX or 0000 in the example.

almost 9 years ago - Hummel-o-War - Direct link
AND of course remove the Permission-strings that are NOT used (don't keep empty strings with 00000000 or xxxxxx as an ID -> will lead to an error as well)

So if you set up this file the first time, only you as an admin should be visible there

- Id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Permission: 9
almost 9 years ago - Hummel-o-War - Direct link
Remove permission -> go to adminconfig.yaml and delete the entry for the player
Destroy -> enter "di" into console. This will give you an Overlay. Go close to a base and it will tell you its id -> use the ID with the destroy command

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