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Update: May 16, 2019 (Build 2450) - Client only

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed: Exception when drilling underwater rocks


Update: May 16, 2019 (Build 2449)

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed: Dynamic HP calculation incorrect for some small armored steel blocks
- Fixed: No frames on windows on first game start
- Fixed: Water plane is blocking buildings blocks & terrain placeable devices from being placed
- Fixed: Loading of mods in client and playfield server even if not specified
- Fixed: Multi-player choose planet window localizing planet class.
- Fixed: Sometimes exception triggered after killing a NPC
- Fixed: Filler function of T2 Drill is producing Iron Textured terrain
- Fixed: Templates - Drill T2 required Drill T1 as input
- Fixed: Terrain Shader - Relief not working (only a regression in A10)
- Fixed: Terrain Shader - Cluster scale not working (only a regression in A10)
- Fixed: Some half-size block shapes missing sides when placed next to other blocks
- Fixed: New Armored Door with missing 'part'
- Fixed: Light block of small vessel was difficult to remove (too small collider)
- Fixed: Internal exception found in EXP dedi logs

- Increased version number to EXP 10.0.1
- Increased texture resolution for some models (Constructor, Deconstructor, O2 Station, Medic/Clone Station, Shield Generator)
- Improved filler mode on drill: Updated filler texture and improved blending/usage
- When drilling on top soil, dirt is now shown again immediately


Hi Galactic Survivalists!

We are very excited to start the Experimental phase for our upcoming major update. Alpha 10 will feature more than 100 new building block shapes, shields for vessels and bases, a highly improved (and speed up) drilling gameplay, an improved base attack mode, a new tabbed chat for multiplayer and a huge amount of bug fixes, gameplay refinements and other changes!

While many of the changes and improvements are pretty straightforward, the new base attack in Alpha 10 might need some words of explanation: Previously, only drones would attack your base, given some arbitrary rules, like activating the first generator or placing a turret. Starting with Alpha 10, the rules that will now provoke a base attack are much more meaningful and fully tied to the NPC faction system.

Basically, in Alpha 10, the Zirax will attack you with drones AND ground troops, if you manage to pi** them off too much. For example, building a huge base right in front of their noses and rising the hostility will most likely trigger an appropriate response. You better make sure your defenses are up and running, because the drones got more punch and the troopers will not only be able to blast through your walls, but will also attempt to capture your base with their remote hacking devices.

Last but not least, shields will make their first debut in Alpha 10! Shields are available for all vessels and for bases - in different protection levels. Please note, that these are not ‘bubble shields’ but rather are designed as an integrated layer on top of the individual building blocks. This means, even if you are inside a base, the shield is not a barrier, but active on ANY exposed block! Because of that, we call it, a ‘polarization hull shield’, adding a virtual shell with a defined value of hipoints (HP) around your vessel or bases. This of course also means that you or your opponent cannot add or remove or repair blocks or devices (like turrets) in the middle of a fight, as this this would feel like exploiting the polarized hull protection. You will have to make a choice when to activate the shields and when to drop them. ;)

The shields require a shield generator and Pentaxid tank. While the Shield-HP are “loaded” by converting some amount of Pentaxid, the shields themselves of course need some significant amount of power when being activated and run. When the shield is hit by weapon fire, the Shield-HP will drop, but each shield has a recharge rate to counter that to some extent. When the shield is loading up the first time as well as when reactivating a formerly deactivated (but not nullified) shield, you need to consider a cooldown/activation delay. So you cannot simply have a shield shut down and reactivated in no time. But: the shield WILL conserve its HP level when deactivated, and offer the same HP level when being reactivated (of course not instantly, but, as described, after a short load-up time).

As always, concerning any feedback: please give the new version a try and add your feedback afterwards. Some of the mechanics are - as usual - not fully balanced yet and some might see different stages of rebalancing in the EXP phase or afterwards.

Please report any bug in our EXP Bug Forum: https://empyriononline.com/forums/bugs.34/
Please read the HOW TO REPORT A BUG ahead of adding a new thread: https://empyriononline.com/threads/read-before-reporting-bug-report-template-requirements-known-issues.47118/

Thanks a lot for your dedicated help!

Have fun playing Alpha 10 EXP! :)




1. Shields
- Added polarized hull shield for vessels and bases

Hitting a shield-protected base
- Added shield generator (Pentaxid is required to charge the shield and energy is needed to power the shield)

- Added shield info to Control Panel and a hotkey button “Shield” to the GENERAL window to switch on/off shield
- While shield is active, you cannot place any new blocks on the structure or warp jump with your vessel
- Allow Warp Drive Tank also on HV (now renamed into Pentaxid Tank)
- Pentaxid Tanks now accept stacks of Pentaxid (instead of single items only)

Feedback Thread: https://empyriononline.com/threads/alpha-10-exp-shields.49012/

2. More than 100 New Building Block Shapes
- Added 110 new building shapes

Some of the new shapes
- Added tabbed block shapes menu

- Added BlockShapesWindow.ecf for your very own custom block shape menu sorting and configuration

Feedback Thread: https://empyriononline.com/threads/alpha-10-exp-blockshapes-menu-and-new-shapes.49013/

3. New Drilling / Mining

- Removes terrain as a whole semi-sphere instead of small voxels (= significantly fewer terrain-updates per m³ changed = CPU saving and network traffic)
- Faster drilling (as a result of the aforementioned)
- Improved drill mode that, for example now allows to cut out tunnels more nicely (try handheld drill or HV drill)

- Faster resource gathering (less grinding)
- Added Drill mode to Survival Tool, so you can now also dig holes and drill with this tool
- Rebalanced: Survival Tool, Drill T2, Epic Drill, Debug Drill (Mechanical Drill T1 will not be used anymore; the Drill mode for Survival Tool will take its place - renamed “Drill T2” into “Drill”
- Added fine drill mode for Drill and Epic Drill
- Flattening mode now uses new drill mode and thus is now very fast in flattening areas
- Stronger filler mode for faster filling of terrain
- Merged resource drill and stone drill mode into one mode for all drills + survival tool
- Added new drill mode to all vessel-based drill (but without projector HUD element)
- Switched ordering of drill modes on handheld Drill and Epic Drill
- Handheld Drill and Epic Drill: Each mode now has a visually slightly different particle effect
- Added better muzzle flash to Survival Tool, Drill and Epic Drill

Feedback Thread: https://empyriononline.com/threads/alpha-10-exp-drilling-mode-changes-and-improvements.49014/

4. New Base Attack

- Zirax Ground troops can now invade player bases

- Zirax Ground troops have 2 types of special weapons: Demolition Tool (cuts through ANY material) and Remote Hacking Device (can hack/replace a core remotely)

The demolition tool in action

The remote hacking device in action

- Several rules and parameters for base attack probability calculation (Added Base Attack coefficients to Control Panel statistics page)

Feedback Thread:

5. New Multiplayer Chat

- Added new chat system with tabs and many convenience features
- Chat now has an auto-complete popup list for names / factions (use Up, Down, PgUp, PgDown and Enter to control)
- Shows Alliance channel messages
- Chat input field scrolls with long texts
- Added 'new messages' indicator per channel
- Added cycling through Tabs with CTRL + Left/Right
- Added "/clr" chat command to clear a chat channel
- Added separator to show what messages are new

6. Updated Terrain

- Structural integrity of terrain: terrain supports first version of SI by removing not connected terrain pieces
- Changes in terrain made are now also visible in the distance (before: terrain changes were only visible close to player)
- Reduced stuttering when flying over terrain



- Added new lava planet: LavaNascent

- Added new CV Containers

- Added new deco Antenna Blocks
- Added new sizes for Boarding Ramps
- Added more variants to Armored Doors
- Added human trader "TraderHuman"
- Updated current biome sounds and added new tracks (thanks to Alex). These new tracks can be used in playfield.yaml: AlteredPhase, Anomalous, Apogee, Artefact, Blight, ColdDivide, Dusk, Fragments, Ghost, Magnitude, Obelisk, Praxis

Gameplay Improvements:
- Implemented faction dropdown for Traders: you can now set the trader to a different faction than the POI he spawned in, eg you can spawn a Admin POI and set the trader to the Zirax faction
- c*ckpit: allowing to turn head for 150° in FPV mode (old was 75°) to better look back
- Added new plant growing messages (no oxygen, temperature not adequate, radiation too high, no light) to better indicate why a plant is not growing
- Updated drone colliders to have more "weak" spots (head multipliers will apply)
- Do not display dead enemy drone units (red blips) in maps anymore
- Drone types are now differentiated by color (Minigun = blue, Rocket = red)
- Techtree tweaks (before there were some inconsistencies): SV can now be built at level 5, CV can now be built at level 7
- Allow upgrading device when needed material is in connected inventory/container
- Increased range of Repair Bay and changed Repair-2-T Activation Process
- Differentiate now resources with different hitpoints: ResourceSoft, ResourceMedium, ResourceHard
- Shotguns can now destroy enemy spawner pads
- Added possibility to upgrade growing pots: Wood > Cement > Steel
- Reputation balancing: when now destroying an NPC block/device, reputation behaves as with attacking an NPC or opening container > reputation falls to neutral and with repeated action then to unfriendly
- When opening a container of a NPC faction, now a warning popup appears to indicate that opening the container will result in a drop of repuation

Visuals and Sound Improvements:
- Updated color masks on most devices to have better coloring (no un-colorable gray parts anymore)
- Improved player light (added flare, MP support, light now only available when wearing armor)
- Added volumetric lights to player suit light, growlight, flashlight and motorbike

- Replaced all Zirax weapon models with higher quality versions (same for Polaris Assault Cyborg)
- Added more variations for Zirax (helmet etc)
- Added new Asteroid Ring to space playfields (scenario creators might need to update the position for voxel asteroids if they are handplaced)

- Updated models of Constructors, Deconstructor, Power Generators (BA,CV), Fuel/O2 Tanks (BA,CV), Oxygen Station (BA,CV), Medic and Cloner Station (BA,CV), Portal

- Updated deco plants for bases (plant pots)- Hurt sound of male/female is now less dominant and annoying
- Updated 3d models of rocket projectiles
- Tweaked night light intensity on moons (most were too dark, MoonIce was too bright)
- Desaturated flashy NPC faction colors
- Improved map and planet outside view
- Several playfields tweaks (terrain textures, night clouds color, music etc)

Improved Game Start for Random Default Scenario:
- Several convenience improvements
- More rock resources in starter biome
- Added "Base Starter" to Personal Container of Wreckage
- Overall more resource deposits
- Added 1 gold resource deposit
- Wreckage spawns now closer to start area
- Improved deco distribution, added more biomes
- Better biome spawning of creatures

Robinson Protocol Improvements:
- Better player guidance
- Updated information given for some PDA Info descriptions (f.ex. Vessel-Build descriptions)
- Crushed Stone now also completes rock mining
- Added reference of Empyriopedia (Doctors Journal, Biologist Guide) in appropriate places
- Updated formatting
- Removed info-reference about arid playfield in temperate playfield robinson protocol mission

Builders and Scenario Creators Improvements:
- Allow boarding ramps now also on Bases
- Deco devices (antenna, pipes, etc) from group DecoVesselBlocks are now also placeable on bases > renamed into "General Devices (Deco)"
- Open c*ckpit SV/HV is now only 2 blocks high
- Moved ScifiChair to front (better combination possibility with table)
- No Blueprint spawn restrictions applied in GodMode-Invisible anymore (now you can spawn any POI in survival for testing)
- Build settings dialog: activating selection button switches symmetry plane now off
- Some renaming for consistency (pls adapt your custom config.ecf, trader config and PDA):
* CrystalWarp > PentaxidCrystal
* WarpDriveTank > PentaxidTank
* WarpDriveTankSV > PentaxidTankSV
- Added possibility to use 4 additional underground textures (for layers or resources) - see "te" editor:
* In total 20 texture slots (slots 0-19)
* Surface textures: slots 0-11
* Underground / resource textures: slots 9-19 (note: slots 0-11 can also be used for underground/resource textures)
> Now all Voxel resources on planets have correct textures (no generic texture anymore)

AI Update:
- Improved Talon behavior
- Improved Alien Civilians and AssaultCyborg behavior

General Balancing:
- Significantly reduced damage of rocket drones on player
- Increased health gain from Bandages
- Increased hitpoints of SV and CV Thrusters and Jet-Thrusters
- Corrected a few settings in handheld weapon stats ( f.ex. stats that were not in line with expected T1>T2>Epic progression; example: Recoil should be lower on Epic than on T2 version )
- Survival Tool: increased Damage (ResourceDrill)
- Drill T2 & Epic Drill: increased Damage and Radius (ResourceDrill & FineDrill)
- Increased SU of some deco blocks (Furniture and tech block that should visually have a bigger inventory)
- Survival Tool: increased damage from 20 to 35

Drill Balancing Update:
- Added first iteration of material progression
* Tier I: Iron, Silicon, Copper, Promethium
* Tier II: Cobalt, Magnesium, Gold, Neodymium, Sathium
* Tier III: Erestrum, Zascosium, Pentaxid
Note: The progression currently only decides how FAST you can mine a tier with each drill, where Tier 3 "times" are currently similar wo what it would take to mine for example Iron in the current public version
- Removed Mechanical Drill T1; Survival Tool will take its place (with 5m range for the drill mode) - adapted PDA, playfield.yaml, templates etc
- Adjusted all handheld and vessel drill speeds to new material tiers
Example: For our Test Deposit T1 it took 26 seconds to fully mine it with the Survival Drill Mode. With a T2 Handheld Drill it would take 9 seconds. With a HV fixed drill it takes about 2-3 seconds. For our Test Deposit T3, ST drill took 40 seconds (that is actually the same speed for a T3 deposit as in the current public alpha for the ores, all considered T1!) and the Epic Drill took 15 seconds.

> Balancing Note: Currently a DAMAGE value beyond 900 does not make drilling faster, as this is already the 'Instant-Remove' for a T3 deposit (T2 = 750, T1 = 600), what means damage of 2000 is not faster than a damage of 900, as you can not work faster than 'instant' of course ;)

> Testing Please test the new drilling speeds well. The drills should be considerably faster than in the current alpha by at least factor 1.5 - 3 compared to the T1 ores and should not be slower than the current public alpha speed for the now grouped T3 deposit ores.

Gameplay Improvements: Epic Weapons
- Epic Sniper: Laser particle effects
- Epic Minigun: Laser particle effects
- Epic Shotgun: auto mode (+increased RoF)
- Epic Pistol: auto mode
- Epic Rocket Launcher: auto mode (RoF needs to be increased to make sense)
- Epic Plasma Cannon: auto mode (RoF needs to be increased to make sense)

Rebalanced Handheld Weapons:
- All values are now calculated in a consistent manner: T2 = x% better than T1, Epic = x% Better than T2
Global Value Changes in %: (T1 vs. T2; T2 vs. Epic)
> Degradation: -25%; -35%
> RoF: +15%; +15%
> Range: +10%; +20%
> Bullet Spread: -25%; -50%
> Recoil: -20%; -40%
> Mag Size: +40%; +60%
> Reload Time: -5%; -15%
> Damage: +15%; +30%
Exceptions: Epic Rocket Launcher and Epic Plasma Cannon do have non-calculated values for reload time (higher), Mag Size (fixed to 3) and RoF (fast).

- The balancing of the hand weapons is first and foremost aimed towards bringing all the hand weapons in line with a consistent progression within their own tiers.
- Therefore all the values have been slightly adjusted to achieve this goal.
- We might do further changes, like adjusting damage values (very likely) or for specializing certain weapons vs. certain enemies or give some weapons unique properties (like the Fast-Firing Mode of the Epic Plasma and Rocket Launchers) which might then required to adjust the weapon performance out of the order of the calculated progression.
- Said that, the current re-balancing should be seen as an intermediate step towards a more interesting hand weapon gameplay.
- We are looking forward to your ideas how we should proceed with the hand weapons progression in future iterations.

Additional Changes for Rebalanced Weapons:
- Reduced Drop chance of Epic weapons due to their significantly increased performance figures
- Epic Sniper and Epic Minigun now use laser rifle ammo to reflect the changes made.
- Added beam to laser rifle epic (for testing > feedback required. problem is that in aimed mode the weapon shakes too much)

GUI Improvements:
- Improved tooltip behavior: Tooltip text is displayed below mouse cursor (not next to it) and tooltip will be removed when the player clicks on the respective UI item
- Added additional toggles for Signals and Customs to Control Panel
- Updated MP Choose Planet window.
- Added “Spawn Name” as a new column (behind Group Name) to F2 BP Window
- Updated Control Panel display:
* Pentaxid Tank should always be displayed even if not placed on structure (currently not displayed and thus not consistent with eg oxygen tank)
* Re-arranged windows in lower part. From left to right > Power | Shield | Ammo | Oxygen | Fuel | Pentaxid
* Do not display Thruster and Auto Break buttons for BASES (only for CV, SV, HV)
* Added “Damage Level” in % above Battery

- Added possibility to script a PDA in C#
- Increased version number of custom Config.ecf > your current version is not active until you increase version number (pls update ecf properly)
- Added ShieldCapacity and ShieldRecharge to ECF
- Supporting shield damage multiplier (DamageMultiplier and BlastDamageMultiplier) > you can now create weapons that only reduce shields and do no damage to hull
- Supporting property "Discovery - False" in Properties of yaml now. Added new yaml param to several starter bases (eg TemperateStarter2) so they are not "discovered" (XP gain) on game start
- "ShieldCooldown", "ShieldPerCrystal" are now exported to Config.ecf
- ModApi: some enhancements, loading mods now also on a PF server
- Added possibility to color clouds in the night similar to day cloud color (CloudsNightZenithColor, CloudsNightHorizonColor)

Other Changes:
- Allow to spawn Base Attack drones via "debug menu"
- Renamed "Body Temperature" into "Suit Temperature"
- Renamed Hover Thruster to "Ground Repulsor Engine" (to indicated that it is less capable than the more advanced Hover Engine) and changed block description accordingly
- Implemented new fullscreen handling (incl. 'Exclusive Fullscreen'), fixed wrong description of borderless window, fixed init bug in multiple choice button
- Better player guidance for solar panels: added efficiency to block info
- Solar panels: memory allocation optimization
- Changed server start scripts to close their window after a timeout (otherwise they may stay forever)
- Added VolumeCapacity to ContainerPersonal
- Proof-read and corrections to Robinson Protocol.
- Removed 2 broken space POIs (BAO_Migotzu-Orbital-Hub, BAO_AntarisSpacefarm)

Console Commands:
- Added possibility to dynamically reload new shape window while game is running via "shapeswdw reload"
- Added console command to monitor the solar panels
- Added permissions to more console cmds
- Added missing permission info to several console cmds (cmds were already were restricted)
- Added console cmd "shield"
- Added hitpoints of a block to console command 'di' debug overview
- Added console command 'gameid [id]' for dedicated servers that shows/changes the unique game id. Changing the game id will result in regenerating the cache on client side on next connect.

SSG Update:
- Added possibility to generate random custom scenarios

PDA Improvements:
- Added possibility to hide Action Titles in the HUD.
- Reduced time before autostarting PDA when spawning in a structure from 5 to 1.5.
- Resized dialog box to height instead of width for very long messages
- NearUnit check now more flexible for designers. Wait up to 3 seconds for structures to load to find Unit blocks when unloading proxy entities.

POI Update:
- Major update of POI set for XENU: a big thanks to Frigidman
- Updated Ghyst and Rados POIs: thanks to Frigidman
- Some Wreckage POIs are now buried 1m in ground

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed: Several block shapes with mirror issues > now all blocks should mirror correctly
- Fixed: Bug that did not allow to let players enter playfields if there were more than 255 structures (old limit)
- Fixed: [MP] Food can insta-spoil when picked whilst connected to a different structure's container
- Fixed: Problem that player bike was not able to drive underground as it was always teleported up
- Fixed: Buying from Trader/Trading Station still possible when inventory capacity reached
- Fixed: Problem that NPC did not move correctly in some space POIs (we now spawn all space POIs horizontal to avoid this problem)
- Fixed: Docked vessels can become misplaced after playfield changes
- Fixed: Some NPCs not respecting sensor checkboxes
- Fixed: Sometimes not starting in the wreckage base but in a crashed ship on Starter Planet 2 (Wreckage Start)
- Fixed: Problem that player could respawn underground in crashed ship that was buried (removed medic station/clone chamber from crashed POIs)
- Fixed: Signal/Circuit UI list disappearing after opening a drop down option
- Fixed: Wrong error message "Ship type cannot be repaired" when the ship to repair was hovering a bit too high over the repair bay
- Fixed: When armor is shift+Left clicked from the armor locker while seated in a c*ckpit it gets stuck & lost in the ship's tool bar
- Fixed: SI working incorrect from some sides
- Fixed: Sentry Gun 2 - Player (Retractable) breaks off when placed the first time
- Fixed: Disconnecting from a connected container with items in the connected toolbar leads to an empty grid and the yellow coloring stays
- Fixed: Not enough Upgrade Points to unlock all devices at level = 25 (now added 250 more Upgrade Points)
- Fixed: [MP] Entering a c*ckpit of a docked vessel at high altitude will kill the player & the vessel will get removed on 2nd attempt
- Fixed: Blueprint sometimes spawns without Solar Panels
- Fixed: The SI debug display doesn't always correctly show the amount of stress when weight is added vertically.
- Fixed: Logistic Menu: Right side does not scroll with mouse wheel
- Fixed: Fuel disappears from a base if you power it on before adding fuel to it.
- Fixed: Colliders on large boarding ramps
- Fixed: Animals not walking in special places - getting stuck in small corridors
- Fixed: Possible to still fly whilst thrusters are turned off whilst cruise is on
- Fixed: Bloom was overblown in several use cases
- Fixed: Logistics window: Access-Device button sometimes not usable in MP after DSL unload
- Fixed: Fire status effect gets not removed in some use cases
- Fixed: After a Drone base has regenerated Drones no longer spawn from it
- Fixed: Ground blast particles of SV/CV not working correctly anymore
- Fixed: Thruster speed exploit
- Fixed: Landing a vessel on a repair bay with 'Automatic mode' checked will activate it before the player leaves the bounding box.
- Fixed: Changemode option in some scenarios when used can trigger a CoQ after leaving the save & trying to reload into it
- Fixed: Issue with seed 0 overwriting new save games seeds when trying to make a new game after leaving a server.
- Fixed: Retrieving 'DecoTribalBlocks' deco puts the retrieved block into the wrong group 'Furnishings (Deco)'
- Fixed: Grass movement messed up during 'bad weather' transitions
- Fixed: Problem that sometimes bases had no O2 even though O2 indicator is shown
- Fixed: Changing from orbit to atmosphere sometimes removes all deco from terrain
- Fixed: Inconsistency with upgrading devices (eg c*ckpits T1 > T2, Thruster GV T1 > T2): for these devices you needed T1 as input even though T1 was already placed
- Fixed: Anti Grief only if RegenAfter is set
- Fixed: Drone manager - reset correctly the number of replacement drone
- Fixed: Drones with double barrel did not hit player reliable
- Fixed: Revealing sectors were causing map breakage.
- Fixed: c*ckpits collision model is incorrect
- Fixed: Sometime unable to start game due to input exceptions (invalid control config data)
- Fixed: Plants have stopped growing in growing plots
- Fixed: Space playfields do not work with AllowBlueprint parameters
- Fixed: Problem that HV/CV drill/turrets could not harvest resource rocks
- Fixed: NPC's getting stuck sometimes on surroundings in underground POI
- Fixed: Structural integrity is not updating when placing blueprints in suitable locations
- Fixed: PvP mode overlay in world map
- Fixed: Thruster 'heat & radiation volume' area changes when depending on the vessels orientation.
- Fixed: Memory leak due to AI spawning
- Fixed: Scenario games in MP not using correct static template if scenario is purely random (its own solarsystemconfig.yaml)
- Fixed: Exception in some cases when generating playfields where very first POI is a player start (no NullPoi available)
- Fixed: Aiming of Pulse Rifle (now scoped aiming)
- Fixed: Tribal Bazar Arid was indestructible (changed Admin Core into normal Alien Core)
- Fixed: SurvivalTool beams had wrong distance (visually)
- Fixed: Alien containers have been listed in dropdowns in Logistic Menu
- Fixed: NPC Health Bars not scaled properly
- Fixed: Building exploit (ghost devices)
- Fixed: Ore deposit 'overspawned' by POI and removed > now place resources after all POIs have been placed to prevent structures from 'overspawning' resources, causing empty resource nodes and POIs placed directly over deposits.
- Fixed: Mod: Player inventory modifying requests don't respect open Logistic window showing that
- Fixed: Possible to place blocks inside of Boarding Ramp bounding box.
- Fixed: SI debug overlay not always activating when checked
- Fixed: Instant-Production speed does not trigger PDA checks when used in any constructor
- Fixed: Deco – OmicronPlant: White squares as falling leaves if removed
- Fixed: PDA (Default Akua-Omicron, Default Multiplayer) - Changed GHOST entries to GHYST so the missions affected work again
- Fixed: Area damage gets removed when firing from forward moving vessel
- Fixed: LCD getting switched off automatically if underground
- Fixed: Corrupt player avatar colors
- Fixed: 'Small Table' deco positioned incorrectly
- Fixed: Problem with not placing some POIs (MoonDesert, Ghyst HQ etc)
- Fixed: PDA Mission "Raid Alien POIs" did not work due to wrong Core check
- Fixed: Wrong spotlight on stock HV T1a
- Fixed: Player report: Plants have stopped growing in growing plots
- Fixed: Decoration Respawn on GreenWall
- Fixed: Wrong loot in very rare alien container (single device instead of group)
- Fixed: Modular Wing Connector (Medium) was placed wrong
- Fixed: It was possible to destroy rocks with plasma cannon
- Fixed: PDA - creature spawns of 'Crime Scene Cleaner' (Now Alien/Legacy creatures should spawn again and be counted towards the mission goal)
- Fixed: [Mirror] Placing any block or device INTO the mirror plane leads to loss of one device
- Fixed: Orbit resource asteroids are not depleting when mining them with CV lasers or the drill turret
- Fixed: Do not re-autoactivate chapters that are completed with no remaining repeats with ChapterActivation.
- Fixed: BA/CV/HV/SV O2 Station - No Sound
- Fixed: PDA tasks are not completed when player is not seated in his vessel
- Fixed: Exception when starting a PDA mission in certain use cases.
- Fixed: Exploit: [MP] Armor locker / repair station item duplication
- Fixed: Not working animation on Troop Transport / Not working Thruster effect
- Fixed: Exception for space playfields when fixed player start assigns equipment.
- Fixed: Video Options: Changing Depth-of-Field reloads Trees
- Fixed: Particle effect on MoundzTreePrefab was wrong
- Fixed: Invisible blockface in structures
- Fixed: NPC's with ranged attacks not firing at players
- Fixed: Deconstructing T2 c*ckpits return T1 c*ckpits
- Fixed: Stair blocks had inconsistent hitpoints

For the full list of bug fixes, please visit: