over 5 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
Hey all ! is there someone who can help me pls ?
Since my game install the new update all i had in my inventory and my advanced constructor are gone .....

Can anyone tell me where are all my stuff and to get them back pls i had really a lot of things inside my constructor... i don't want to loose all of that !

thanks for all will try to help me
over 5 years ago - Hummel-o-War - Direct link
IF you had stuff in your player inventory when leaving the A8 game and then starting A9 this MIGHT happen i am afraid as the Toolbar/Player Inventories have been reworked and we could not "save" the previous state. Same applies for fridges, constructors, furnace and deconstructor as those now all have a different way of setting up their inventory.

If you start a FRESH A9 game (or if the vanished items relate to any other container), items vanishing from the toolbar/inventory should NOT happen. In this case > please file a bug report. Thx.

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