5 months
ago -
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Do you have a HUD marker appearing like this ?:
You can also open the sector Map & using the "Search System" button type in this to at least find it to at least find it:
Forra Sytem
If the HUD marker doesn't appear for you even after confirming you haven't touched F6 to cycle through the different HUD modes send me the save before you progress to [email protected] so I can see if we can find anything & mention this thread so I know it's from you.
You can also open the sector Map & using the "Search System" button type in this to at least find it to at least find it:
Forra Sytem
If the HUD marker doesn't appear for you even after confirming you haven't touched F6 to cycle through the different HUD modes send me the save before you progress to [email protected] so I can see if we can find anything & mention this thread so I know it's from you.