about 5 years ago - EmpyrionGame - Direct link
Update: July 7, 2019 (Build 2526)

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed: When spawning in some blueprints they lose their device list & signals setup
- Reverted fix for: After making a BP of a structure at max size the center of it is moved when spawning the BP in.


Update: July 5, 2019 - Alpha 10.2.2 (Build 2524)


- Tweaked Ocean Planet (eg water plane now at 60m and several other improvements) and re-added to random generation

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed: Constructor production can exceed the volume capacity of assigned containers
- Fixed: Missing localisation when repairing a vessel with a lock code in auto mode in R2B
- Fixed: After making a BP of a structure at max size the center of it is moved when spawning the BP in.
- Fixed: Resource Terrain as Bedrock logic


Update: July 4, 2019 - Alpha 10.2.1 (Build 2523)

- Refinement of C/T tool by adding "Remove" toggle > it is now possible to remove symbols without changing color or texture
- Adjusted HP and Mass of new c*ckpits (added with A10)
- Adjusted HP of Armored Double Doors
- Removed Reload Delay from Alien Turrets and Sentries
- Increased Anti-Shield Effect for Plasma Turret and Plasma 2 Turret (doubled)
- New Ion Turret (Alien) now has EMP effect that only damages Shields (significantly)
- Increased recharge speed for SV Shield (2/3) and HV (1/3)
- Renamed (only loca change): Ion Cannon (Alien) > Plasma Turret (Alien), Ion Cannon 2 (Alien) > Plasma Turret 2 (Alien)

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed: [MP] Shield is regenerating after being hit
- Fixed: Currently not possible to start building underwater
- Fixed: MP RtoBP issue with template password auto repair option
- Fixed: Playfield server boot timeout check, improved log output to see how long a pf server needs to boot / prepare

Known Issue:
- Missing localisation when repairing a vessel with a lock code in auto mode in R2B


Update: July 2, 2019 (Build 2522)
- Fixed: Sporadic exception when opening CP
- Updated EAH Tool


Hi Galactic Survivalists,

We released Alpha 10.2 with more bugs fixes and improvements. Please check out the changelog below.


Empyrion Dev Team


CHANGELOG: Alpha 10.2.0 (Build 2521)

Updated Base Attack:
- Base Attacks now depend on presence of drone base: If the drone base has been destroyed or there is no drone base on a planet => no base attacks (see new label "Drone Base" in Stat window)
- Display message when a drone base has been deactivated
- Base attack will now spawn 600m from the edge of the base (not from the center of it)

Updated Behavior of Pangolin and Triceratops:
> the old charging behavior was removed where the animal tried to run over the position of the player in a straight line, causing damage along the way. This did not always work and sometimes lead to player damage without visible reason
> New behavior:
when calm:
- the animals use the same behavior as for example Parasaur - wandering the land, considering the terrain and avoiding buildings
- if they see player, they currently ignore him.
when shot:
- they run to the player and then use melee attack with occasional roars
- the range of pangolin attack was reduced from 7 to 4 meters (it is possible to evade the attack)

- Internal optimizations
- Increased render distance of thruster and mounted weapons
- Apply click-able links to PDA Window Description panel.
- Slight color improvements on planet map
- PdaWindow: add format option to yaml to allow to print mapped hotkey to PDA messages.
- PDA now takes into account custom keybinding, i.e. if you change your keybinding, PDA will take this into account. You have to use eg {keybind(Map)} or {keybind(Inventory)}

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed: Shield does not protect player in open c*ckpit
- Fixed: Shooting at NPC Faction POI with active shield does not have any effect on Reputation
- Fixed: Explosive blocks missing explosion effect
- Fixed: Sound and visual effects of weapon hit is missing
- Fixed: New Drill destroys everything around
- Fixed: CoQ triggered after multiple playfield changes
- Fixed: [MP] CoQ triggered after closing the logistics window & reopening it
- Fixed: Adjust Block Collider to prevent shots / interactions through them
- Fixed: Passenger is booted out of active turret control as soon as AI is trying to shoot at a target
- Fixed: Textures on solar panels looked different depending on angle of sun light
- Fixed: Back button in constructor visible although no back-target set
- Fixed: PlanetLife: spawn points underneath bases, that are not completely touching the ground could get spawned
- Fixed: Title menu buttons Single and Coop still visible when going back to title menu after clicking Back button.
- Fixed: 'Heavy landing gear 2' & 'Landing gear 2' misaligned
- Fixed: SSG 3D preview texturing
- Fixed: CT Tool: Using Replace Mode on Walkway with Textures leads to vanishing blocks
- Fixed: Exception reported from servers: sometimes playfield server reports too early unload of playfield, leading to errors
- Possible fix for error message found in logs '-ERR- Double faction found'
- Fixed: Several internal exceptions found in logs