4 months ago - Taelyn - Direct link

Please provide more details on the issue. Do you get an error when starting?
4 months ago - Taelyn - Direct link
Dont dubble click the save game when loading as coop,
Click it once and then right bottom load game.

Otherwise it will be loaded as SP
4 months ago - Taelyn - Direct link
Who is the one who cant connect? You (you should automaticly connect if you host it) or your friend?

Try deleting the dedicated.yaml from the Save Game. Then try again
4 months ago - Taelyn - Direct link
Try the steps in my message above yours
4 months ago - Taelyn - Direct link
Originally posted by bigBADjohn:
Originally posted by Taelyn: Try the steps in my message above yours

Nope, didn't work.

i noticed that not all save games have got a dedicated.yaml file.

is this normal?

it's annoying af
Only games that are started as CooP has such a file
Without seeing your logs files and some repro steps I cant help more

I tried coop my self a week ago and it functions fine
4 months ago - Taelyn - Direct link
Originally posted by Commisar Jon ♥♥♥♥♥♥:
Originally posted by Taelyn: I tried coop my self a week ago and it functions fine

That's great and all, but many people I know - myself included - have had issues with others just being unable to join co-op saves (and sometimes just in general) for years.
If it works for us, and no one provides us repro steps then not much that we can do.
We need to be able to reproduce the issues. Since it works for many awell
Its likely something in the network of the hoster or joiner that is blocking it

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about 1 month ago - Taelyn