3 months ago - Enshrouded - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s the Hol holes update for in has been out
2s for a week now so here are some Holo
4s hole tips first off better overprepared
6s than struggle or fall wi because you
8s forgot your homework bring your best
10s food items perhaps even a full stack of
12s it in case you die and need to boost
14s your stats again it also means grab your
16s Elixir and potions you might have been
18s keeping for later the rested bonus will
20s save your lives so don't forget wood to
21s make campfires some of the encounters
24s involve large groups of enemies so if
25s you go attacks items or spells that do
28s area of Epic damage it's good time to
30s bring them out you'll also find new
32s weapons in the hollow holes with a new
34s damage type
36s sacred finally some of the sections of
38s the holes involve the use of the glider
40s if you have a high level character and
42s have unlocked the ghost glider we
44s actually advise you to use the
45s extraordinary glider instead ghost
47s glider might be a little bit too fast so
50s you might bump into obstacles enemies or
52s lava and that's just not a good way to
54s go have you got any other tips to
55s triumph over the Hol holes share them
57s with us and help save lives