5 months ago - Enshrouded - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
0s greetings flame Bor thank you for your
2s immense support as we have released our
4s game as Early Access here are some tips
6s to help you survive and thrive in Ember
8s Veil let's start with leveling up and
10s getting stronger you get stronger by
13s spending skill points there are two ways
15s to get skill points leveling up by
17s gaining XP and destroying the Shroud
19s routs you get XP by killing enemies
22s discovering new areas and points of
23s interest and mining
25s ore the quickest way to level up is
28s often to grab a sword and look for
29s trouble scavenger camps shroud walls
32s those are dangerous but High reward
35s choices bosses give more XP per en
38s counter and it can be beneficial to pay
40s them an out of visit when they respawned
42s each level you unlock gives you several
44s skill points to spend on the skill tree
46s you won't be able to unlock everything
47s with a character so you'll have to make
49s choices however you can always respect
51s your skill points at the flame alter in
53s your base so feel free to try things
58s out when exploring reaching the top
61s ancient Towers will unlock new locations
63s on your map and give you an idea of
65s where to go next reading low pages and
67s journals can also unlock points of
68s interest and give you hints of their
70s offer Secrets the more important the
72s location the more XP it
74s gives to effectively explore the game
77s World continuously upgrading your
79s equipment is crucial this ensures your
81s equipped to face increasingly formidable
83s adversaries depending on your chosen
85s character archetype interacting with
86s specific NPCs is advisable for those
89s opting for a ranger class Consulting the
91s Hun NPC is recommended as they can
93s provide tailored equipment for that role
96s if magic Focus gameplay is your
97s preference seek Out bazard The Alchemist
99s for appropriate
101s gear alternatively if you prefer direct
104s combat using swords axes and maces
106s visiting oswal the blacksmith is wise as
108s it specialized in supplying top Tier
110s gear suited for the head-to-head
113s engagements mining is another easy
115s resource of XP early in the game as it
117s is relatively safe activity higher qu
120s quality pickaxes will let you mine more
122s and faster and you can invest points
123s into the skill that make mining more
125s efficient mines are often noted on your
127s map and smaller oril veins can be found
129s while exploring now let's talk about
133s resources ever wonder why you sometimes
135s get resin when chopping trees well
137s here's a little
138s secret green trees have small chance of
141s dropping resin but if you target trees
143s with brown leaves you're almost
144s guaranteed to Snug one to three resin
146s each
148s time let's talk about flax and flax
151s seeds flax can be a bit elusive
153s scattered only in a few spots around the
155s world but fear not you can set up a seed
158s bed and use one flax to yield a whooping
160s 10 flax seeds plant Harvest and repeat
164s just remember you will need the water
166s for this process keep an eye out on the
168s enemies dropping water or bet yet scout
170s out a well like the one near start of
172s your journey that replenishes every 2
174s hours or whenever the Zone
176s resets the greedy part of the world now
179s blue shroud versus red shroud as you
182s explore you might come across areas with
184s red shroud this means your flame level
186s is too low for that zone and stepping
188s into it spells immediate
190s Doom yikes to level up your flame head
193s to your altar of the flame and hit
195s strengthen the flame this won't clear
198s all the ret rout but it will unlock
199s parts of the map so you can progress
201s throughout the world safely there's
203s another reason to upgrade your flame
204s alter not only does it boost your flame
206s level but also dishes out some sweet
208s character attribute bonuses that are GL
210s what does that mean well even if your
212s friends are at a lower level character
214s attributes are Global things to the
216s flame level bonuses this makes it easier
218s for your P to jump into the action and
219s join your adventures even if you're not
221s the same level also just a quick tip
223s hang on to your gear even if you're
225s tempted to toss it aside why you may ask
228s because if your friends decide to join
229s you later in the game having that gear
231s handy can give them a leg up at the
232s start of their journey and there you
234s have it folks some friendly advice to
236s help you snuggle into your chair and
238s explore the world like a pro happy
240s grinding and we will see you in the next
253s one