4 months ago - Enshrouded - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s today we are announcing the summer
2s screenshot contest winners for that I
4s brought with me our community managers
6s toast and frog hey how's it going hello
11s hello they they kind of coordinate did
15s okay let's get on with the contest let's
17s start with the winner of the abstract
19s category randomized of
22s course and the winner is NY on all you
26s get a backpack and somebody else might
28s get a backpack as well
30s okay let's pick a winner for the edited
32s shot
34s category it's sigit congratulations
37s you're getting a backpack as
39s well all right and now we're picking the
41s winner for the multiplayer
44s category it looks like our winner is St
47s congratulations and if you've been
49s sweating as much as me Summer gone R
51s category let's start with the winner
54s tarius well done you get a backpack as
57s well head to our short space to watch
59s part two