21 days ago - Enshrouded - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

3s let me tell you a tale about a hero and
6s his pursuit of
10s Adventure our hero was taking his
13s afternoon stroll in black meire he was
16s intrigued to explore the new land
19s ahead he never once ran away from a
22s worthy
23s fight though today our hero was seeking
27s the mystery around him waiting to
32s [Music]
38s unfold once he had explored his melodic
41s side enough he began to wonder what else
44s was awaiting him in this new land of
47s opportunities it was nothing like what
50s he had seen
51s before through the Treetops to the City
55s of the
57s Ancients as much Beauty this place
59s beholds
61s danger and Peril waiting around every
64s corner but he was no ordinary
68s man he was Brave and oh come
73s on well this hasn't turned out the way I
75s hoped it would go on you Fearless Flame
79s born Forge your own tail around the
82s mysteries of blackm
21 days ago - /u/KeenToast - Direct link

We also have a longer video going over all the major highlights from the patch!:


And here's the full, plain text patch notes, if you're the kind of freak that's into that sorta thing:


Thanks for all your support, Flameborn. We hope you love the update! <3

20 days ago - /u/KeenToast - Direct link

Originally posted by Mesket

Will the game progression being server based and not player based ever be fixed? Do I need to play a first time solo, then join a server? is that how it was intended?

It's a setting each player can choose to toggle at any time in their quest journal :)

19 days ago - /u/KeenToast - Direct link

Originally posted by Llamadmiral

The best part of the patch notes is the " Admin, he’s no longer doing it sideways…" part. Wonder how many people know this reference :D

Well I'm glad at least someone got it 😅

13 days ago - /u/KeenToast - Direct link

Originally posted by Mesket

So from what I got from people who owns the game... this is 100% a lie and there is no such a thing.

Hey there, what exactly are you referring to? Because this was definitely added to the game. The player can see "missed embervale quests" at any time when on a multiplayer server, which allows them to replay quests that they might have missed when other people on the server completed them.

There are a few elements of progression that are directly tied to the world, such as upgrading elements of the player base, but that is the nature of any survival game, so I'm not really sure what you'd like us to "fix" there. The way to avoid that is playing in another world.