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I LOVE this game and think they created an absolutely incredible world to explore and a truly top notch building system. 100% worth the reasonable $30 price tag. But as I've been playing I've been noticing a number of quality-of-life type issues that seem so glaringly obvious and have such simple and common sense solutions that I'm honestly kind of dumbfounded that they haven't been addressed yet. Curious which of these others have noticed too - let me know what you think.

  • Glide should have to be activated by a short hold, not by a press. I can't even tell you how many times I've tried to double jump and started to glide instead, resulting in me dying in combat or ending up falling off a cliff edge or something.
  • You should be able to equip items like seedlings, furniture, etc. directly from your inventory without having to manually drag them into your hotbar first. For other items you can skip the hotbar and equip them directly from your backpack - so why some items but not others?
  • When you respawn, you respawn with partial health. You should automatically have a partial rest bonus too. By not giving us any rest bonus, it forces us to sit down at the flame altar every time we respawn and just wait there doing nothing for like 20 seconds, which feels tedious and unnecessary.
  • There should be an option to hold E to pick up everything within a few meter vicinity so I don't have to take baby steps around a tiny area for 20 seconds spamming E.
  • You should be able to "lock" items in your inventory so they can't accidentally be put in a container.
  • When looking at weapons or armor stored in a container, not only isn't there a button to compare it to your currently equipped item, but it doesn't even show the stats and unlockable upgrades for the item. All it shows is the basic info. To compare it to my currently equipped one, I have to take it out of the container, add it to my inventory, and then manually compare them, which gets super frustrating.
  • You have to get way too close to NPCs in order to talk to them. So close that you often end up running into them and pushing them backwards, after which they don't return to their original position. So over time they end up backed up into crammed corners or in totally different places than you wanted them to be.
  • Most games like this one allow you to choose whether Shift to run is set to "hold" or "toggle". This one doesn't for some reason and I hate having to hold shift down constantly.
  • It would make a lot more sense to have to HOLD Alt to switch to the secondary action bar, and then switch back to primary upon release. As it is, I'm constantly forgetting which action bar I'm on and accidentally using valuable potions and food items. (I will add that my mouse has the number buttons on the side next to my thumb, so I could see why this might be harder to do from a keyboard). Adding a toggle for this in the settings would be great.
  • You can only zoom the map out part way. We should be able to zoom out all the way to see the whole thing at once.
  • The color options for location marking on the map are severely lacking. Obviously marking ore vein locations will be most users' primary use for the map markers, yet there aren't enough color option to cover all the types of mining. And there's no text option either, making clear and accurate location marking impossible.
  • When playing with friends, their icons on the compass at the top of the screen are the same color. If they were colored differently it would be much easier to quickly differential who's who without having to pull the map up very time.
  • The scavengers with their long range explosive launchers should do damage to everyone in the target area, not just you. It doesn't make sense that only you would be harmed by them.
  • Enemies should be able to see you from much further away when it's nighttime and you're holding a torch.
  • The firefly lanterns provide so little light as to be functionally useless. I get that fireflies don't offer a whole lot of illumination, but come on...
  • You should be able to use the ground slam ability from the gliding state. Instead you have to cancel the glide then immediately use ground slam which only works if you pull it off just right, and looks super janky and unnatural.
  • The Blink ability doesn't do the one thing it should do, which is make you invulnerable while you're in the teleportation state. When I teleport right before an enemy hits me, he almost always hits while I'm teleporting away anyway, which feels like the game is punishing me for what feels like absolutely nailing the timing. I also personally think Blink should let you teleport through enemies, unless it was a stylistic choice not to do so by the devs.
  • Finally, this is a wider issue, but the quest system, in my opinion, is poorly done. You'll get a quest that you need to be at level 5 to complete and then immediately someone else will give you a quest you need to be level 20 to complete, but the game doesn't tell you that. It makes you waste your time walking across the map just to get to the quest location and realize you're too underpowered to do it. It needs a "recommended level" banner on each quest or something, and a more streamlined system in general.
  • You can set the range for NPCs to wander around your base... but only when they have a mission to give you. If they don't have a mission for you, interacting with them takes you straight to their crafting menu, completely bypassing the menu where you can set their wandering range. (Edit: commenters pointed out you can set the wandering range using the summoning staff as well)
  • When crafting items at one of the crafting stations in your base, it doesn't tell you how much of each material you have left, so when you don't have enough materials to craft an item, there's no way of knowing which material it is that you're missing. You have to manually check every storage box you have to see which item is the one you've run out of. (Edit: I was told this feature is in fact there, I just didn't notice it)
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about 2 months ago - /u/KeenToast - Direct link

Thank you everyone for giving such constructive feedback in this thread, it's very helpful. I will forward it to the team and see what they think :)

As others have mentioned, feature upvote is also a great place to send feedback in a way that it will get seen by the team: https://enshrouded.featureupvote.com/