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So ive done a tonn of reading and im baffled.

8700k 16gb ram 2080ti

i play intense VR games maxed out for hours but 20 minuntes into tarkov and ill randomly bluescreen, its not every 20 minutes but im gaurnteed to crash, ill sometimes go to sleep with my game on the main menu and 100% of the time im waking up to my game on the windows login.

my bluescreen errors are almost always different, everyone always says its hardware but the thing that is weird is when i reinstalled my geforce drivers (DDU first) i actually rebooted before the install finished so the geforce experience didnt install correctly and wouldnt open. when id open Tarkov id get a error 3 times and then id NEVER crash. tested this for about a week before the stupid errors were interfering with my other tools i use for remote work and only installed the basic driver. back to bluescreens.

ive installed geforce experience again, made sure overlay and shadowplay are not enabled and still crashing. set my game to lowest possible settings , still crashing, Memory test and no errors no crash.

i play Apex, Half life Alyx, Boneworks, Elite Dangerous , Project Cars 2, consistently and all of these games can push my system to its knees with their settings, but Tarkov's Menu bluescreens my pc....

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almost 4 years ago - /u/BSG_Damiano - Direct link

You should check out your system event logs.