over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by MrTheKrich

Well first of let me start by saying that this is not who the finish product should look like, but just tossing an idea around.

With the addition of cosmetic items in the game i think we will need a new tab for quick swapping of gear on our PMC, but with that I would like to see some gear moved to that tab as well. The reason being as they should not be lootable from our characters. No one uses armbands anymore because they are a drag to equip every time you die (a there is a lot of dying in this game). So i would propose that this second tab would have gear that is always present on our PMC but can also be interchangeable quickly.

These items would be clothes (upper, pants, gloves boots, etc.), arm bands, compass, binoculars and the melee weapon. You can loot these items in game, but when you put it on you off raid it stays there and when you die other players that search your body can't see these items if they are equipped on you.
Just in addition would really like to see more RPG elements added to these items that positive and negative, so choosing some gear over other would matter. (Example: you could get bigger cargo pants, that would give you two more pocket slots, but it would slow you down.)

Real reason for all of this is to reduce clutter on our main Gear tab so equipping, looting and preparing for runs is quicker in general.

TL;DR : A new equipment tab in stash mode of items that can't be looted, to minimize preparing for raids and remove clutter from the main Gear tab.

P.S. Forgive my shitty PS skills, did this in about 10min. Any other ideas would be very welcome :)

I'm sorry in advance if someone posted something like this already, I have not seen it.

this (separate pants, gloves, boots etc) will require total remodelling of all clothes we already have. customization will be limited to upper and lower body clothes. We decided to do this way to drive the game out of the clothing simulator. other that that - i like the idea to move clothes and other interchangeable stuff on the separate tab.