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I've spent more time than any human should have ever spent researching about good and bad quest design in video games and theory-crafted a few ways to improve some of the quests that are, in my humble opinion, not designed well. I linked below to a video that is MUCH more detailed on the topic, and I would love it if the folks over at BSG could take a look and consider the thoughts I put together there.

With some minor tweaks to flavor text and requirements, quests can go from being ambiguous, confusing, arbitrarily difficult, promoting stupid play styles and strategies, and nearly impossible when servers are not fully populated with PMCs, to something fun, challenging in a healthy way, rewarding for players to plan for and accomplish, and more coherent with the flavor of the universe of the game. Here's a simple example I put together on how the worst quest in the game, A Shooter Born in Heaven, could be improved drastically with very little effort.

Gives players freedom to accomplish a challenge in their own way. Doesn't promote unhealthy/un-immersive gameplay like spawn camping. Doesn't rely on heavily populated servers. Relies much less on luck. Promotes experimentation with different weapon builds and reason to pay attention to stats. Flavor text makes more sense and fits in with the heart of the Mechanic character.

For anyone interested in a more in-depth discussion about the state of Tarkov and some of the quest design as it stands today, and for a more thorough discussion on the specific reasoning for why this quest should change and some spit-balling ideas for how it could be improved - I detailed all my thoughts on this video:


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over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

thank you! this will be definitely will be taken into a consideration