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Hi! Just wondering if anyone else is suddenly unable to play the game completely? For the last 4 days I've been suddenly getting stuck on "Game starting" and "Awaiting session start" screens. This morning I reinstalled EFT completely/did the check integrity thing etc.. Same problem again 4 days in a row. Connection to a first PMC raid of the day (customs) stopped at Awaiting session start. Waited for 20 minutes. I could move the mouse but It just wouldn't get into the game, same thing happens when it's stuck on Game is starting screen after the countdown hits 00:00.

Then I alt-f4 to exit and rejoined via RECONNECT. Got stuck on "awaiting session start" again. I pressed BACK and got notified that I got killed in the raid. I was not in the raid. Gear lost every time. I don't even understand if there is something I can try to do to fix this problem. I've heard nothing from the support, I can see my 4 bug reports/support tickets in the launcher but if I press the green 4 I get a webpage with a 404 error and I don't see if anyone has responded.

I understand this is a beta but in order to test the game I would need to play the game. For some reason the game is literally unplayable for me at the moment. I've never had these issues before and have not made changes to my system. They just started randomly about 4 days ago.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this? I've googled around, seems like this has happend to many people in the past and so far there are no clear fixes?

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almost 4 years ago - /u/Sova13 - Direct link

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