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These flea market and trader scripts are ridiculous. BSG needs to do something about them. It's so frustrating not being able to buy sh*t without having to go to people that are selling it at 25-50% more than the offers that are going up just because these people have their f*cking scripts running 24/7. On top of that, the people you need to buy from are running the scripts so you just end up helping them if you bypass the good prices on the flea market.

The flea market is completely broken and I can't believe bsg isn't doing hasn't done something about it. I get that stopping people from scripting can be hard but it's been a week. I'm sure they could have done something game or server-side to limit this sh*t. I'd honestly rather the market be disabled to stop these people from making huge profits (I understand that that's not realistic)

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almost 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

its not scripts right now. bots are being banned