over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by JCglitchmaster

Pistols in tarkov are for the most part useless. Outside of cheesing ai on labs for easy loot and very early game they aren't particularly utilized. Here I will outline a number of things that I think will make the pistols be more of a role in tarkov and make them abit more useful overall.

Firstly, put all attachments for the pistols out of high end traders and make them no higher than lvl 2. Yesterday I decided to mess about with some of the p226 attachments and look at how good these can look





Likewise with the glock:



The level of detail put into these attachments is extremely good and they really make the pistol feel special. This is one thing that no other game comes close to is the customization of the weapons. So why are all the attachments shown outside the threaded p226 barrel and silencer unavailable until level 4 mechanic. Thats level 40 PMC minimum to use attachments for a pistol that isn't particularly good. Below is a picture if all pistol attachments for lvl 4 mechanic


There are more examples in lvl 3 mechanic also, but these are really good looking items but they are basically useless by the time you have access to them. Put all of these into lvl 2 mechanic please because then we might see them used abit more.

Secondly, increase the pull out speed of the pistols. Even COD has this correct where it is faster to swap to a secondary than it is to reload. Make it so we can whip our pistols out from our primary weapon significantly faster than we can reload our primary. It makes 0 sense to have it so our primary weapons can be reloaded and shot off faster than simply pulling out a sidearm. Doing this change will make it so more people run a secondary as a secondary in those tough gunfights rather than running pistols as primary weapons.

Third, add some armor pen ammo. Like with the 9x19 rip rounds add some ap ammo, they exist in the real world. This ammo of course would need to be unlocked late, not pen say higher than a lvl 3 facemask and be expensive but not so overpriced and rare that noone runs it *cough* 9x19 rip ammo *cough*. This will help them be useful lategame but not be overpowered so people only run pistols.

Lastly, add some decent pistols. Seriously, give us some .357/44 magnum chambered sidearms like a deagle or revolver. Five seven ect. something that wont take 9 rounds to kill somebody shooting at a facemask. Just make them around 60k, make the ammo pretty expensive and make them loud so you hear them from far away. But again, don't make them so expensive that they become useless.

I want to be able to use sidearms effectively but in the current state of the game, there is no reason to when for the same price and alot earlier I can dump 60 rounds of 5.45 into enemies significantly cheaper and easier.

got your point. something planned (like fast transition), some attachments are already shifted to lower tiers of traders. decent pistols planned. AP ammo - maybe we will add something fast soon too