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This write up was created purely by my passion for the game and the developers. I enjoy the current state and look forward to their vision for the game. That being said, I'd like to put my own hand in this cookie jar as many others have. So here goes.

With the recent changes to the global amount of 5.56 M995 available for purchase per trader reset, this has transitioned us into a more crafting-oriented position. This step, made by BSG, was a crucial and necessary step to align itself with the survival roots they are targeting.

I enjoy and agree with these changes and look forward to the future of this game. Top Tier Ammo should be less widely used and more expensive. There should always be a negative and a positive to running anything in this game. Cost in this situation is the negative.


The current lack for viable Mid Tier Ammo for 5.56 creates a situation where you are forced to craft M995 or fork over the dough. For some players, money isn't an issue in this game as they find themselves constantly surviving or making money to afford this. Others may find the crafting, fun and exciting; to acquire the items necessary to create their own M995. This then leaves us with a sizable portion of the player-base that can neither afford it or craft it, and this leaves them in a bad situation in regard to any 5.56 rifle.

During mid-late and late game, any 5.56 round is miles behind the M995 in its penetration power. M995 boasts a whooping 53 pen value over the next best round, 5.56 M856A1, which only shows up with a 34 pen value. This difference in penetration creates a scenario where M995 becomes the only true viable option for late game play.

I think this shouldn't be the case.

If BSG where to consider changing the penetration values to give M856a1, M855a1 and M855 more of a role in late game play, we may see more variety in late game play in regards to ammo and play styles. I imagine if you were to up the penetration value of say, M856a1 from the aforementioned 34 to say 40 or 42, you may have to evaluate some kind of balance with flesh damage to not create too strong of a round. In late game though, we know with these smaller calibers, that penetration matters first. If you can't penetrate it, you will not do damage.

This is my suggestion to create better viable Mid Tier Ammo in the late game. And hopefully this will create more variety. I believe that 5.45x39mm suffers from the same issue but that is for another write up.

Thank you all and I look forward to your thoughts.

Edit: Spelling

External link →
almost 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

did several changes on 5.56 and 5.45 ammo to make them more diverse.

almost 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by Pavle9300

Can we read those changes somewhere please?

unfortunately don't have time right now to post changes.