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This update has introduced some very interesting weapons, but I was slightly disappointed to see how the UMP was implemented. While I realize that SMGs (without expensive AP ammo) are usually only supposed to be used for lower budget raids, I feel like the UMP was left out.

The UMP currently costs exactly 400$ and can be purchased from Peacekeeper level two. It has 600RPM, fires .45 ACP, and has 25 round mags. The only ammo type you could use for it at PK level two is either the .45 FMJ or .45 Lasermatch FMJ, which have 19 and 18 penetration respectively.

To contrast, the MP5, which is also unlocked at PK level two, costs 313$, has a fire rate of 800, fires 9mm, and has 30 round mags. Not only is it 87$ cheaper, but it also fires faster and has much lesser recoil (70 vs 120), not to mention it having larger magazines. For simplicity’s sake, let’s say we’re using the pst gzh ammo type. Not only does it have more penetration (20), it is also a lot more cheap and available (whether you’re buying it from lvl1 Mechanic or finding it in-raid). (This gets even worse if you compare the UMP with the MP9 instead, since it’s even cheaper than the MP5)

While the penetration difference isn’t huge, you could argue that the .45 caliber’s strength is its flesh damage. But this is somewhat wrong, since if you’re going for flesh damage then you can purchase 9x19 Quakemaker ammo (also unlocked at PK lvl2) which has 85 damage against 74 (if you’re using Lasermatch .45). Sure, Quakemaker only has 8 penetration, but if your priority is flesh damage, penetration doesn’t matter, especially if it’s a difference between 8 and 18 (both can’t reliably pierce II class armor). The price difference between Quakemaker and .45 FMJ also isn’t huge.

Even after all of this, you could say that, hey, the UMP has a lower fire rate, which is why some people might prefer it more. But even then, you can purchase the PP-19, which costs 21k roubles (roughly 185$, 215$ cheaper than the UMP). Using Quakemaker, not only will you have a much cheaper loadout, you’ll also have higher damage, lower recoil and 700 RPM.

This isn’t just a problem with the SMGs, as the 1911 (and especially the M45, which is more expensive) is overall inferior to any other 9x19 handgun, due to the mentioned caliber differences. I feel like the .45 caliber has been left behind in almost every aspect, and either it or the weapons which fire it need to be buffed (except the vector, since it has the ultimate equalizer - 1200RPM). Here are some of my suggestions. Either:

  1. Buff .45 ACP FMJ. Keep Lasermatch as it is for people who want very cheap flesh damage, but buff FMJ’s penetration instead. Maybe instead of 19 penetration it could be increased to 24-26, with maybe a decrease to flesh damage to balance things out (Maybe even increase the price by a dollar or so). This is probably the most efficient and easy to implement solution.
  2. Introduce a new intermediary ammo type for .45 ACP. Keep the current ammo types, but introduce a new one instead, which would act as a bridge between the more expensive AP and cheap but ineffective FMJ. (Maybe name it +P or something, I don’t know). I feel like while this would work, it would pollute the ammo type pool and make the two FMJ types largely irrelevant.
  3. Decrease the UMP’s price. This is probably the most “lazy” option. Decreasing the UMP’s price to around 300$ would make it more worthwhile using, but still wouldn’t solve the issue of the caliber itself.

TL:DR The only reason to use anything that fires .45 ACP without AP rounds is novelty (Especially the UMP). Either the current FMJ ammo type needs to be buffed, a whole new ammo type needs to be introduced, or the UMP needs a significant price drop to make it viable.

This is my first sort of post like this, so hopefully it wasn’t too wrong or confusing. Thanks for reading.

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over 3 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

thanks for the feedback!