over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by Lamdert

I have always played shooters, from cod to fornite (just a little) two years ago, when pubg come, i tried it, i was on love, the game was new and refreshing, a lot a good things, but a loot of bad things, then, i saw a trailer of a game called, "Scape from tarkov" maybe u know about it, but, for some reason, i forget about it.

But this december, some good friend give me a trial code to try this game, maybe i am overexited, but this game is the most awesome game i ever tried, today i try the new game "apex legends" the new battle royale, 3 games thinking, wtf is this shit, i want to come back to tarkov.

What i am trying to say is that now, i dont wanna play another shooter, forever, this is my home now, LONG LIVE THE KING, CHIKI BRIKI.

Thanks a lot for this game, to all the ppl to make this posible, really thanks.

Pd:Srry about my potato english.
