over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

We are investigating, removing suspicious servers, gathering logs. From our point nearly every single day something is going on with internet overall, cluster overloads, hosting troubles. Our servers are not cheap, they are powerful enough to handle the game. But we are not insured from global problems with the network, problems on the line and problems specifically with your providers.

over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by trainfender

We are investigating, removing suspicious servers, gathering logs. From our point nearly every single day something is going on with internet overall, cluster overloads, hosting troubles. Our servers are not cheap, they are powerful enough to handle the game. But we are not insured from global problems with the network, problems on the line and problems specifically with your providers.

we are sorry for this troubles

over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by aer0000

From our point nearly every single day something is going on with internet overall, cluster overloads, hosting troubles. But we are not insured from global problems with the network, problems on the line and problems specifically with your providers.

Sorry, i really appreciate your commitment to the game and you are killing it with the communication lately, but do you really want to excuse the problems of the game/netcode/servers with global internet problems or provider problems? I mean everybody knows tarkov still has huge problems, its lame to blame "the internet" itself for it.

I dont want to be an ass or offend you in any way but i think thats just not true, sorry

of course not. im just saying that perfect network is not possible

over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by Dickwolf3

Thanks for your response Nikita, this happens often but not all the time, they raid before that crashed instantly after spawning in and we both lost another full set. The 6 raids after that were smooth as butter, even hit reg felt great. I also want to point out that the game runs smoother when I do not air with my friends, Incase you read this by chance.

thanks. we will do everything possible to make servers great