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does someone already noticed that there is a problem with the sending of Email Verification Code from the Launcher ?

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over 3 years ago - /u/Sova13 - Direct link

Originally posted by _BulletProofCoffee_

Yes, tons of messages like this at the moment. Forum is full and I've seen lots of tweets.

My nephew is also affected. I bought the game as a present for him. And we installed it together.

No problem creating the account on the web-site and receiving the mails. He got: - Mail for the creation of the Website account - Welcome Mail after that

Now, after the installation of the Launcher we are stuck in the E-mail verification screen because we do not get any mail with this code. In the meantime he created a support ticket - and got a confirmation by mail...

So: - Registration Mail: OK - Welcome Mail: OK - Verification Code Mail: NO - Ticket Confirmation Mail: OK

Nothing blocked, Spam-filter completely deactivated, BSG-Address even additionally white-listed. Nothing. This doesn't seem to be a problem of the mail-provider. ONLY this special mail does not appear. Third copy I bought and never had this issue.

Sadly no response by support or in forum.

Addtionally the option to change the mail address in the profile is not working - I would have tried to switch to. We are running in circles.

Hello. With such a problem, you need to contact your email service support.
u/EmpyreanHeaven its for you too)

over 3 years ago - /u/Sova13 - Direct link

Originally posted by _BulletProofCoffee_

Thanks for the answer but some already did without any result.

And as I and a lot of others already wrote: We do get ALL the other mails from [email protected]

Registration Confirmation, Welcome Mail, Support Ticket Confirmnations - all these mails are coming from [email protected] and those mails are coming in.

It's only the hardware verification mail that is NOT coming in.

And this problem should be solved by your postal service. Because letters have been sent from our side. Perhaps they only block the letter with the authorization code for the launcher by the content of the letter

over 3 years ago - /u/Sova13 - Direct link

Originally posted by PhaNDoMs

its NOT a email provider issue!! if all other mails work except that mail you tech support need to check the differences and why it doesnt work. hundreds of people have the same issue.

At the moment we continue to study the situation

over 3 years ago - /u/Sova13 - Direct link

Originally posted by PhaNDoMs

thanks, this really has to be fixed. the game is so great but youre losing tons of players due to that :( may i PM you for the issue my friend has? i really wanted to play with him this weekend but he has this exact problem

Yes, you can

over 3 years ago - /u/Sova13 - Direct link

Originally posted by False_Juice

I got the exact same issue, Ticket #8519700

I receive all other mails except Email Verification from the launcher.

I'm down to changing the linked Email Address, but can't do that on myself and don't receive an answer from support.


Check this ticket

over 3 years ago - /u/Sova13 - Direct link

Originally posted by BRTI

#8527047 same issue as well.

Hello. Check ticket, please

over 3 years ago - /u/Sova13 - Direct link

Originally posted by Belezebell

Ticket #8551829 has the same Problem.

Hello, check ticket, pleaser

over 3 years ago - /u/Sova13 - Direct link

Originally posted by dadabingojh

Same problem here. Ticket #8541060

Hello, check ticket

over 3 years ago - /u/Sova13 - Direct link

Originally posted by False_Juice

replies are out

There is already one more

over 3 years ago - /u/Sova13 - Direct link

Originally posted by Naga_Fang

#8660027 Please help :( same issues as everyone else. I get all the other emails yall send besides the one from the launcher.

I see the problem has been resolved. The Device ID code comes ONLY to the mail

over 3 years ago - /u/Sova13 - Direct link

Originally posted by BRTI

Hi there,
I've tried some of the posted solutions with no effect. I've double checked and now notice, that I don't receive any e-mails from you, even though I was able to get e-mails like password resets before. I whitelisted every battlestate address that I had. Did something change?

Hi, check your ticket again)

over 3 years ago - /u/Sova13 - Direct link

Originally posted by Vegeta1337

Sry to bother you here but is there an ETA for a fix for the whole Bsglauncher confirmation email not receiving?

Hello, this problem has different reasons (massive and rare), so it's impossible to say for sure

over 3 years ago - /u/Sova13 - Direct link

Originally posted by Chump352

Check ticket 8664788 please I get all emails apart from launcher emails

I see that the problem has already been solved)

over 3 years ago - /u/Sova13 - Direct link

Originally posted by MZootSuit

#8675979 I'm having the same issue :(

Why has the change email functionality been disabled?

Hello, check your ticket please

over 3 years ago - /u/Sova13 - Direct link

Originally posted by BRTI

Thanks, the ticket now says that I don't need to enter a verification code anymore to change my e-mail address. The first thing that pops up when I click change e-mail, is a verification code window.

This is a different verification code) Try to get it again now, it should come

over 3 years ago - /u/Sova13 - Direct link

Originally posted by MZootSuit

The reply to the ticket has nothing to do with my query, I want to change email addresses. I've tried everything else already

The answer is directly related to your situation. Check the ticket again

over 3 years ago - /u/Sova13 - Direct link

Originally posted by Mataovelho

I now have the same problem. REQUESTID#8709767#


over 3 years ago - /u/Sova13 - Direct link

Originally posted by DaanT01

Hi, I have the same problem with not receiving verification mails. Could you maybe help out?

support number: 8739946


over 3 years ago - /u/Sova13 - Direct link

Originally posted by chrr1zW

I have the same issue



Hello, answered.
u/coffek too

over 3 years ago - /u/Sova13 - Direct link

Originally posted by DrasticKog

Same issue, can not get hardware verification email code.

Ticket # 8817847

I get all other emails from BSG

over 3 years ago - /u/Sova13 - Direct link

Originally posted by TKRapt0r


Please assist with



over 3 years ago - /u/Sova13 - Direct link

Originally posted by josmul123

Same issue here. REQUESTID#8819895#

over 3 years ago - /u/Sova13 - Direct link

Originally posted by WalterWafflez

It is 100% not the email provider. That is a ridiculous claim. "Every single Email provider in the world is conspiring against BattleState Games to block our emails"

That's stupid, and a lie. The launcher does not send a code.

I've tried changing my verification method from email to google authenticator. This was reflected on the website, but not on the launcher. The launcher seems to not have any internet connection, and therefore, does not ping BSG's servers to send out the email.

Fix your shit, you shouldn't have to rely on the anger and frustration of your playerbase to solve your problems for you. I wish I could refund my game or sue the company for negligence.

Apparently you are describing a different problem. And there are other recommendations for it

over 3 years ago - /u/Sova13 - Direct link

Originally posted by Soft_Message_5291

Hi, my ticket is #9098119 , i have the same issue :(


over 3 years ago - /u/Sova13 - Direct link

Originally posted by Snk2a

Hi Check my ticket pls same problem #9218321

Hello. The problem only with the launcher code? Or with any letters from us?

over 3 years ago - /u/Sova13 - Direct link

Originally posted by Snk2a

non seulement avec le e-mail que le launcher est censé envoyer sur mon adresse mail mais je ne reçois rien malgré toute les manipulations qui sont censé régler le problème ! tous les autres mail je les ai reçu parfaitement et rapidement

I would be very happy if you wrote in English) Although I studied French for a while at school, now I only remember a couple of words)

over 3 years ago - /u/Sova13 - Direct link

Originally posted by Snk2a

Le problème c'est résolu tout seul au bout du 100eme essai je pense que selon les heures ca tombe sur un client d'envoie du mail mauvais et défectueux enfin je vais pouvoir jouer je n'ai rien fait de plus que ce matin étrange

I understood the general meaning) Perhaps the timeout for sending letters worked, the letter with the code is sent no more than 1 time per hour