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Today Nikita Buyanov joined The Team steamers group to talk and share some news about development and 0.12 patch.






  • Server status “LIVE”: Early Test Servers, there will be an ability to test game patch before release (for some group of players), this function Is not ready yet, but they will work on it after 0.12
  • Nikita knows how much players want this patch and they work tirelessly to make it possible even through total exhaustion, but they need to do it as well as push themselves for the community: “you need to push yourself to limits sometimes to create something that no one created before”.
  • There is a chance that Nikita will create new status update tomorrow, but is hard for him to explain sometimes 
  • Streamers were explaining to Nikita that making status updates more often will be better for the community. But as he said he became really tired and exhausted to make announcements and he is stressed because he doesn't like delaying things
  • Devs are preparing the trailer that will show most content of the upcoming patch 0.12.
  • Biggest improvement of this patch for Devs is the new foundation they made for future improvements from graphics and gameplay side of the game. This includes the implementation of Scripted render pipeline, which will allow better rendering features to improve the game performance.
  • Unity developers didn’t have a game of the same size and complexity on their engine until now and they discovered some problems that they are changing with the cooperation of the BSG, Devs are now getting much better support with the new version of the engine.
  • Steam audio was delayed to later patch.


About 0.12:

  • Good improvements in performance, but Devs discovered weird issues on few locations, but they are fixed now.
  • Almost everything is ready, but complex testing is needed to be sure.
  • Hideout is polished, but Devs discovered they didn't include few things in game and it took a long time to load the hideout, it was fixed.
  • Special exfils: guarded by snipers fields, minefields, some new game mechanics, stationary weapons. 
  • This patch will bring some visionary things to build more immersive feeling what will happen in the universe in which EFT is set.
  • Hideout is a representation of what is happening between raids, bitcoin farming, making moonshine, making medkits, disassembling medkits and getting components which you can be combined to create some custom medkits. 
  • Some of the elements of hideout will require lots of resources and time.
  • HBAO ambient occlusion
  • Temporal Anti Aliasing
  • Unity 2018 brings optimized physics and players will feel the difference. Devs changed all 3rd person animations and added some new. Nikita like them very much and he’s satisfied, they are more optimized and more professional.

Pre-wipe events:

  • Secured containers: removed the ability to put stuff in during raid - it is for testing purposes and if community will like it, devs can make this change permanent in the next version of the game.
  • Devs will try to announce the exact day of patch and will be accompanied with big a thematic  podcast, while they will be installing the patch on servers and turning it live and they will stay live on podcast even after release to respond to community.


  • BE has its own team who work on protection and they don't ban people for using Reshade, but some versions allows some tweaks that can be used for cheating, and they disallow running this versions of Reshade with the game.
  • BE devs can block software that they see unfair (it can be used to gain unfair advantage and harm others players experience)
  • Devs are considering adding colorblind, gamma and contrast settings to the game.


  • Chinese translation of the news can be found here. Thanks to our Chinese Emissary @Mage_Elminster
  • Portuguese translation of the news can be found here. Thanks to our Portuguese Emissary @Alexandre_5
  • CZ/SK translation of the news can be found here. Thanks to our Czech Emissary @Snork_Svk
  • Italian translation of the news can be found here. Thanks to our Italian Emissary @dinosamir
  • French translation of the news can be found here. Thanks to our French Emissary @titi4600
  • Turkish translation of the news can be found here. Thanks to our Turkish Emissary @Dimitri468