over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by GuideZ

tl;dr Stuttering is a problem with EfT, but not for everyone. That's weird. Let's pool some data/info/discussions on this.

Let's get on the same page as to what a game-breaking stutter looks like.

Some people state they never experience these sorts of issues. And I believe them, they shouldn't be downvoted. There are people running with older hardware who never experience these sorts of stutters. The root cause(s) are still being discovered, as Nikita even responds at one point about what it MAY be.

Don't get jelly that someone doesn't get the stutters that you get. Let's discuss why it's happening to some and not others so that BSG can fix it. Look BEYOND hardware specs: Start discussing the real-world times they usually play, where in the world they are playing from, etc. Personally, I've seen that particular regions of the world seem to get these stutters less.

Maybe just copy/pasta the fields below to start? Then maybe we can start seeing some patterns here.

Computer Spec (CPU, RAM, GPU, HDD or SSD):

Location (London, East Cost US, etc):

Local Time of Day You Play:

How Often You Stutter:

Random Stutter or "Linked" (ie; happens only during firefights):

Stutter Severity (0-None, 10-Worst):

Maps You See Stutters Most:

Resolution You Play At:

Additional Notes:

Edit: Keep 'em coming. I've always thought there is some sort of central server all raids tie into, if just partially, and it just happens to be located closer to those in Eastern countries. Example, how many stutters do people who live in US but play on EU servers get?

despite the fact that we are doing just that now, thank you very much for all your help