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Starting early last week I ran into a mod on the official site that goes by the name of we'll call him zero , I made a post

"As of the most resent update the game auto changing my int file to read only and this is more or less a problem due to the game being f*cked and changing it automatically to the wrong res, If this is a change to stop us from editing that ...Its a int file you can't do anything to that to by pass your anti cheat or in game limitations its basically just a out of game graphic settings changer . And if its not due to anything like that then anyone have any reason why the recent update that broke it?"

to have him 2 mins later ban me due to " inappropriate language" so hmm okay maybe it was the f*cked in there so a few days ago I made another post

" Recently I ran across a problem where the games chaining my res whenever I log into the game, I use to use the int to save it but the games no longer allowing me to do this , is this a BSG thing or what can someone help"

10 mins later Warning issued by Zero Profanity Given 14 points which will never expire. + post removed

hmm okay well I'll contact BSG and write a letter because no way this guy deserves to be a mod he clearly has no mindset for it but no real way to do that anymore seeing they removed it .SO.. Ill shame him here without using his real name , Now im stuck without being able to post anything due to being banned . so f*ck him.

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almost 4 years ago - /u/Sova13 - Direct link

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