over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by HaitchKay

I've kept my eye on Tarkov since the original trailer dropped. I remember watching the original gameplay videos over and over, sharing them around with my friends. I watched streamers until I picked up the game when the Closed Beta started (which was on my birthday, no less!) and I've been enjoying it ever since, even more now with how stellar .11 is. Sufficed to say, I am a pretty big fan and I want this game to be the best that it can be.

But I can't stay quiet anymore.

Nikita, you promise us time and time again the most hardcore, realistic shooter, with loads of weapons and gear and mods and armor. Realistic weapon mechanics and modding, realistic armor, a realistic health system, all these promises of hardcore realism and yet you haven't addressed the single most unrealistic, immersion breaking thing in the game.

Nikita, u/trainfender , where's the Квас?! How can I truly believe that my PMC is fighting for his life in Russia when he can't stop to enjoy a nice tall drink of Ochakovsky between dying to 360 no scope Scavs? I beg you, please, I need my delicious liquid bread! There's not even any home-made Kvass in Reshalas apartment either! You telling me him and his boys wouldn't need a nice refreshing drink after a hard days work of shooting me in the head because I wasn't paying attention taking down bad players? Frankly, it's inexcusable.


Jokes aside, I realized this last night when I was considering ordering a bottle of Ochakovsky for myself and thought well, you've been pretty active on the reddit as of late and I figured I might air this confusion at you in a way that hopefully got a laugh. I really am grateful for the hard work everyone at BSG does to make this game as enjoyable as it is and even though I do have my gripes, I don't see myself stepping away from EFT any time soon. Thanks to you and the rest of the team!


Slight edit here: I do feel the need to point out that I wasn't expecting Nikita to add kvass. I know "pls give X and Y and Z" posts happen frequently and this was intended to be more of a joke than an actual serious request. It is however still incredibly hilarious and super awesome that he responded the way he did and goes to show how great BSG can be with the community sometimes. Now, I'm going to go buy some kvass.

damn son, you've got my word - we will add kvas