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12.6 completely gutted stealth movement. Slow walking and and slow crouch-walking now make the exact same noise levels as regular walking and it makes sneaky playstyles extremely difficult to pull off because anyone with an in-game headset (even the one from lvl 1 Ragman) can hear you from at least 20m away. It's now essentially impossible to creep up on a somewhat competent player so any close range encounter turns into spraydown instead of a stealthy kill unless the victim was really not paying attention to audio. Not being able to sneak up on players also further increases the run and gun + heavy armour playstyle because it is nearly impossible to sneak up on heavily geared players now, so they can just rush you down much easier.

I've seen the argument that this is because we now need to focus on leveling up our covert movement skill before we can be quiet. This is a complete logical fallacy however, as to level up covert movement you have to sneak around, which is only going to get you killed with how loud it is now, so it is pointless to even try.

I really hope people and BSG start discussing this more because this change/nerf was a massive undocumented change to how PVP works and it effectively eliminates an important playstyle.

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over 4 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

its being addressed