over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by dnNss1337

Hey guys, there are quite a few discussions regarding healing in the game and how to improve it, so I wanna throw in my thoughts as well. I think we can all agree that healing more then one limb is a pain in the ass right now, it doesn’t make sense that an elite soldier puts away his gun to bandage one limb, then takes the gun back into his hands just to put it away again to bandage another limb, it’s just dumb.

Why don’t make it possible to take healing items like AI / Salewa / IFAK into your hands, like we can do with nades ? I think those two can be used similar. Give us a hotkey (maybe H?) to automatically heal the most f**ked up limb, go for bleedings first and then those with the lowest hp, just like you can throw any nade using G. If I bind my IFAK to a hotkey, make it so I pull it out and hold it, by clicking I start healing a limb, if it’s done I have to click again to heal another, that’s what would make sense and be realistic in my opinion. You could also think further, if I’m in the animation of healing and want to stop it I just click again and the healing stops, if I need to switch to my gun directly while healing I just toss away the IFAK to get my gun out faster, similar to the tactical reload where the mag gets dropped.

I think this is a doable solution that is realistic and a huge qol improvement to the game, feel free to let me know what you think :)

it will require a lot of rework. A LOT. so its not planned in the near future, im afraid