over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by gs5g55g54g5g5g54g5

I'm posting this 50% because it's something I want to say, and 50% because I want experience expressing myself, so I'd written it already anyway.


I love your game. I am being 100% honest and will not be exagerating at any point in this letter. Tarkov is the closest that any game has come to my actual dream game, so when it misses the mark, it hits me particularly hard. I'm not going to complain about netcode, AI, misspellings, or ask if something is planned (although I have done that in the past, sorry). I'm writing this because I fundamentally disagree with one particular direction you are taking with a mechanic in the game. There's other things that you've said that I wouldn't want in my dream game, but on those I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and at least wait until they've been implemented to form a firm opinion on them.

But this recoil compensation skill (or whatever makes the recoil flatten out, I'm assuming it's this skill) I think is terrible for the game. It's because I think you're taking away a key skill in what this game is trying to simulate from the player, and allowing the game's RPG system to handle it.

The player compensating for the recoil, and allowing the game to just push it up constantly, as silly as it may seem, operates in your mind the exact same way as compensating for the recoil of firing an actual weapon. You need to learn how your weapon behaves to compensate for it. In real life and in the game. And you have to learn how to manipulate your muscles to perform this task. Yes, obviously different muscles and movements. But you're already translating the movements you make to a mouse and keyboard. What you are not translating is our mind, and that's where we're meant to be experieince this simulation, correct? And so why would you not let our minds be what governs such a central mechanic of your game? I think it's a serious mistake to remove that burden/challenge from the player.

Nikita, please consider the idea of removing any in-game mechanic that compensates for recoil in lieu of the player.

Thank you for your time.

i heard you, thanks!