over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by SparkzNGearz

Especially swapping over to try out triple A title shooters like PUBG, Overwatch, COD, or Battlefield - we genuinely have a unique experience with a mindblowing community surrounding it. People will stop by to call out GG and good shot when YOU kill THEM. Gunplay is the best I have found, the entire game is gorgeous, and I will support this project until the end due to just how evident that love went into crafting it.

They listen to the community and they are actively working on so much. There are issues. It's a game pushing all kindd of limits for itself, it has a massive number of items, and its in early development. We'll get angry at bugs that last longer than we'd like, BSG will make mistakes with freatures, and there will always be new ways for us to get our faceplates stomp right the cheeki in. Despite all this, everything I've said above stands.

Thank you for this project and everything you do /u/trainfender and the rest. We appreciate it, despite all the cykaing and memed.

  • SparkzAlot

thank you!