over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by xNeptune

I have an issue where it often takes me 10-15 seconds to be able to sell things to dealers, load items from dealers or flea market. I also need to restart the client to receive earnings from items I sell on the flea market, whereas my friends get notifications live in the messenger tab from selling items.

Is there any network setting or something that I can change to fix this? Having to wait 15 seconds just to buy/sell items from traders and restarting client to get earnings and clear my list with offers is getting kind of annoying. I run the game as an administrator by the way. Appreciate any help.

optimizing this

over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by xNeptune

I’m just wondering if it’s on my side or if anyone else has experienced this?

For example, to get notifications from Ragman that I have sold items I either need to complete a raid or restart the client, otherwise I won’t be notified. That seems like the game can’t or isn’t allowed to communicate ongoingly with me, but I’ve checked the firewall and everything is allowed.

Not sure what causes this and I can’t find anyone else with the same issue.

need submitted bugreports