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tl;dr: I died to bugs in the core gameplay mechanics that should be on point in a Beta and had one of my best runs ever on Reserve destroyed. Please fix the Train-Exfil on Reserve not exfiling me, after the timer run through TWO times.

So I just had one of my best runs on Reserve ever destroyed by a bugged train exfil.

I waited for the one-minute-till-departure horn and ran to the extract after a very intense round.

I made it into the train under the fire of raiders and lied down in the outside passenger compartment.

I still got hit from raiders through some weird angles and boxes, but he, maybe my positioning wasn't great.

Finally the train got going. I got the 4 second time once. I got the 4 second timer twice. Aaaaaaand...
Nothing happened. The tarin just went on and on. After some time the Of-Map-Sniper started shooting at me.

And then, I got put back where the train was standing at the beginning. Right into the remaining raiders.

"Well that's trash", I though and sprinted away from them, having luck to doge their bullets.

My plan then was to make it to the power switch for the bunker doors.

So I went into the white horse building and patched myself up with ~4 minutes to go.

Energy and Hydro were low but still not 0.

And then, I just died. Out of nowhere. No bullet impact, no loss of health, nothing.
The only thig that might do somethign like that would have been a hacker, but I am covinced they dont stay that long for a level 19 PMC like me.

And all that with a normal ping and no other warnings

I don't mind dying to my mistakes. I don't mind dying to people who get the jump on me.
I don't even mind getting unlucky and one-tapped by some skav, that's part of the game.

But getting my chances of exfiltrating all the loot and experiance I got from other players denied by multiple bugs in a single game really took the motivation and momentum out of my session today.

Exfiltration and PvE are core-gameplay features that should work in a Beta and if syncing up an exfil zone to moving object reliably is not possible in this state of the game, then why do it...

Thanks for coming to my Rant-Talk

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almost 4 years ago - /u/BSG_Damiano - Direct link

Can you create support ticket and attach logs from these sessions?

Please DM me with the support ticket id.