Original Post — Direct link

I've been trying to regain access to my account since July 26th, but so far without success.

I sent an email to support on the 26th of July and on the 28th they responded to me requesting the standard documentation.


- We need a screenshot of the receipt from your payment system or online bank, with which you paid for the purchase.

- The e-mail address that was initially used for registering this account, and account creation date.

- History of account username changes.

- If the account has access to the game, please provide the playable character name as well.


I sent them and I waited.

On the 11th of August I asked if there was any return and on the 16th I was informed that they had received the documents and I would be answered after checking them, but so far no answer.

I'm able to play normally because there was no logoff from the launcher, but since last month I want to format my desktop but I can't do it because I will have more access to the game.

Any bug report I receive an email with in the email that was previously registered and at the moment indicates that it is not found on the site.

I noticed that there have already been several posts that after a considerable increase, BSG returned, so this is the purpose of this post.

External link →
about 4 years ago - /u/BSG_Damiano - Direct link

Please DM me with the email address that you use to contact with us.