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First of all, let me say that I love Tarkov. BSG has done a great job creating a game with a uniquely realistic feel. Having said that, here are some things that I would suggest the developers do to help bring the game in closer alignment with reality:

  1. M855 vs 7N39 vs 7.62 PS: Right now, the ammunition available doesn't really bear any resemblance to reality. M855 green tip is not 55 grains, it's 62 grain with lead tip penetrator (M193 ball is the 55 gr). Right now, it's considered to be useless, sh*t-tier ammo when its direct equivalent IRL, 7N39 Igolnik, is God tier. Having shot probably tens of thousands of rounds of M855 and thousands of rounds of Igolnik, there is really very little difference in penetrating power between them. The truth is, the difference in pen values between ammo is wildly overstated. There is no generally available 5.56 or 5.45 ammo that penetrates substantially better than M855 or 7N39, other than (perhaps) Mk 318 Mod 0.In fact, the criticism of M855 is that it overpenetrates without fragmentation, hence in Somalia that's why it was difficult to take down unarmored, physically thin opponents.With respect to 7.62, it does not penetrate better than 5.45 or 5.56. It does more flesh damage, being a bigger round. But IRL, penetration is primarily determined by velocity (higher is better), diameter (smaller is better), and only a distant third by bullet composition. The big, fat, slow 7.62 PS does not pen nearly as well as the faster, smaller, and steel-core modified M855/7N39.
  2. Penetration in general: right now, the whole meta is to buy more expensive, better penetration ammo. IRL, as illustrated in point #1, it's hard to find .22x ammo that penetrates much better than what is currently used (M855/SS193 and 7N39). The reality is that the IRL, more expensive ammo isn't to pen better, but to increase accuracy. The reason many shooters prefer the old US M193 ball to the NATO M855 is that M855 is known to be wildly inaccurate. It is generally considered to be at best 3 MOA ammo, only mildly better than 7.62 PS. The reason we use Mk 262 Mod 0 in special forces use isn't so much that the 77 gr ammo hits harder, but that it is match grade and is substantially more accurate and less susceptible to wind effect. In the game, better ammo should be more accurate and consistent. M855 and Igolnik should some times have "flyer" rounds that just don't hit where they're supposed to.
  3. Right now, my in-game AKs are generally 1 MOA modded, and my M4s are 2 MOA. That's reversed vs IRL. The reason a 5.56 M4 is more accurate than a 5.45 AK74 is that the barrel is better. In addition, while they fire generally similar ammo, the heavy full stroke piston makes the AK by nature creates more felt recoil, and the effect of the piston on barrel harmonics makes it less less accurate. Add in lower build tolerances and better magazine design, and the AK is slightly more reliable, but slightly less accurate. Likewise, the HK416 with its short stroke piston is NOT more accurate and soft-shooting than an M4 - by nature it is less accurate and heavier in terms of felt recoil. It's just more robust, particularly with short barrels and suppressors, which is why US SF uses it. In general, a realistic "military" M4 using mass produced ball ammo might be 2-3 MOA modded, and an equivalent AK maybe 3-4 MOA.
  4. Suppressors are very well implemented in the game, incomparably better than in any other game I've played. There is one effect, however, that is missing. The best reason to use a suppressor is to protect your hearing, particularly indoors.Have you tried firing a gun inside a narrow hallway without ears? (I'm kidding, don't try this at home). Just look at the chaos in the Tarkov Raid videos. Fighting indoors without ears and suppressors is a complete sh*tshow.Firing a gun inside a room is a good way to stun yourself, particularly with a muzzle brake. The sound is magnified by bouncing back off the walls, and can stun a person like a mini-flashbang. If you want to make fighting inside dorms realistic, the guy using a suppressor and ears should be able to fight normally, but the guy with a shotgun, artillery brake, and no ears should get at least minor flashbang effects when he pulls the trigger, and persistent tinnitus.
  5. Barrels: this is something that very few people get. Longer barrels DO NOT MAKE your weapon more accurate. They make them LESS accurate because of the barrel whip. Stiffer barrels make your gun more accurate, which is why marksmen use heavy barrels. You use longer barrels to gain velocity (up to a certain point), and heavier barrels to increase accuracy and lessen accuracy degradation due to barrel heating.

Like I said, I love Tarkov. But these issues break immersion for those of us who have combat experience and know guns. The changes I'm suggesting are relatively easy to make, and wouldn't impact playability.

EDIT: It turns out I had mixed up 7N39 with 7N6. Regardless, my other observations stand. For the poster who got all worked up, here is my 7N6 stock, ~12,000 rounds, plus another ~10,000 of Wolf non-corrosive 5.45.

EDIT #2: Also, my credentials are well known on bb.com, m4carbine.net and lightfighter.net. Here is some pictures I took from my desk, so I know what I'm talking about when it comes to things to go pow.





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over 4 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

thanks for the info. although we do try to follow the realistic approach, something could be missed, done improperly by mistake or reason (in terms of balancing for example). also we dont have a truly working durability system yet, that why we can't fully use the "robust" and "reliable" principles on weapons. that's why we add "more ergo, less accuracy" where we can't do any other thing. Anyway - thanks! I will definitely make some changes

over 4 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by trainfender

thanks for the info. although we do try to follow the realistic approach, something could be missed, done improperly by mistake or reason (in terms of balancing for example). also we dont have a truly working durability system yet, that why we can't fully use the "robust" and "reliable" principles on weapons. that's why we add "more ergo, less accuracy" where we can't do any other thing. Anyway - thanks! I will definitely make some changes

also i cannot agree that long barrels decrease accuracy in general, as well as m855 being compared to 5.45 igolnik, i think you meant m995 ap round? yes, its compared to 5.45 7n39. m855 is more compared to 5.45 PS (they are both rounds with steel core).
m855 has slightly more pen than 5.45 PS
m855 has less pen than 7.62x39 ps - it could be changed, although we saw some tests - some of them about 7.62 ps better in pen than m855m some of those opposite.
i will continue to check everything

over 4 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by pxld1

also i cannot agree that long barrels decrease accuracy in general

Is it possible /u/proconsul12 is referring to barrel harmonics, here? Depending on the quality and construction of the barrel, a certain level of deviation is briefly added to the muzzle after each shot. Which is why I think he is careful to point out that longer barrels need to be paired with high quality materials/weight in order to counter-balance this effect.

Here are a couple short clips to demonstrate, though I'm sure you're already aware of it /u/trainfender :)



with this point - i agree

over 4 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by proconsul12

Thanks, Nikita! You guys have done a great job on this game. When I played the first time, I literally felt anxiety and adrenaline for the first time in a game.

I would love it if you considered the following:
- Create some mild stun effects for no earpro. You could offset this a bit by creating basic earpro that muffles rather than enhances hearing but protects from stun effects.
- It would be cool to have the ability to mod your gun with a heavy barrel for better accuracy and an ergo penalty.
- Just take a second look, if you could, at current relative MOA values between rifles. Plus the MOA feels a little low to me - I'm not sure if I have a truly 1 MOA gun outside of my precision setups, and even then the gun is more accurate than I am. Generally, 2-4 MOA feels about right. It shouldn't make a lot of difference at the ranges we play with in the game.
- I think the difference in pen is maybe a little exaggerated, but in any case I think M995/7N39 should be just about impossible to get. Like I said before, I have only ever seen it once in my life and have never fired it. I have to imagine it would be unicorn-like in its rarity in a Tarkov setting. M855 and 7N6 should really be the norm for what we use in the game, and it should be able to cut through soft armor that is primarily for stopping pistol and shotgun rounds. Actually, it might be even better if you substituted 55 grain for the M855. I know Tula and Wolf make 55 gr steel case by the truckload, but I'm not sure if I've ever seen Russian-made green tip (maybe it's just not imported to the US)
- I absolutely hear you about durability - look forward to seeing implemented at some point. I'm sure you guys know this already, but if you do implement it, bi-metal steel case is believed to be much harder on barrel wear than copper jacketed brass-cased ammo, and is reported to have more problems associated with failure to extract the case. It would be interesting to have to choose between steel case 5.56 for half the price of brass, knowing that you'll wear down your barrel faster and may have a higher rate of malfunctions

One thing I want to congratulate your team on is how you guys have not subscribed to the mythology about M4 accuracy vs AK reliability. The most true thing I ever heard was one of our DIs saying "Don't count on a huge difference between your weapons and theirs: the AR is a lot more reliable than people think, and the AK is a lot more accurate than people think."

-stun from gunshots - planned
-we will have a lot of new barrels - especially for ar15
-yes. MOA right right is pretty low. we will change it in time. something will be changed for the 12.6 patch
-i agree - hi tier amo must be rare

yes. with proper modification you can make your weapon perform really different from "all-knowing" facts