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So far so good we had a great success.Eventhough some of us mentioned that it's not as good as it was or as it could be...

My last request at BSG change the "default.graphicsjobmode" to "NATIVE".

At the moment it is set to "legacy" which is a big improvement as we all know, but I bet every Player would love to see that all of his threads are directly telling their GPU what to do.

"Legacy" is just half way we are still not using full potential.

I will stand for this change because it's just the "default" mode it's not forced.

I stand for it anyway so.

Please give us the possibility to use all our hardware-power.

And the chance to us not real Multithreading but the only available opportunity that is sooo close to it.

Legacy job mode for those who want to know is like: work is done one multiple threads but only ONE thread talks to your GPU

Native is like: ALL threads are working and talking to your GPU directly

It's working Nikita. Game crashed so many times ...

But this will not let the game crash.

We are all testers! Let everyone test it you have NOTHING ELSE to change but one value.

Let us test it! If the game crashes, just roll back the update.

It's working, unity will not say no.

If somebody is asking himself how i know that is in "legacy". There were to many hints.....some dll entries ...feedback....and of course the missing performance and instability (higher fps but still heavy drops)

EDIT: Pretesters used NATIVE mode

EDIT: Legacy mode is the reason why it is still better to have physical cores enabled

EDIT: For those who had no improvement or had to turn off threaded optimization ....legacy

EDIT: removed link to nikita's reddit

EDIT: for those who wonder why there is a legacy mode.... it's there in case there would be problems with the native mode, like compatibility mode for older windows programs. Setting it on "Native" by default tells Unity just to try it first with the "Native" mode then with "Legacy" mode.As long as it is set on "Legacy" by default we miss a lot of potential.

EDIT: also i know that it is running the "Legacy" mode because i am still able to force "Native", with more than measurable performance increase.Just like it was while pretesting.



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over 4 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

we'll do this change to test - it is not a problem for us to do